Asset Condition Integration from information containers into relational Asset Management databases (icdd2ams)
This repository contains ontologies, data, queries, and source code presented in "BIM-based organization of inspection data using Semantic Web technology for infrastructure asset management" published at EUROSTRUCT 2021 conference. It includes a minimal ABox ontology for integrating asset conditions located using Building Topology Ontology (BOT) within an Information Container for linked document delivery (ICDD) into SQL-based asset management systems. See the following files:
: inferring the sample data set with the given rule set to the resulting inferred data setsrc/main/java/org/iib/icdd2ams/
: generating an SQL insert query form a SPARQL Template (STTL)
: sample data set for inferring SQL Datasrc/main/resources/ams/input/insertData.ttl
: sample data set for the generation of SQL INSERT query using STTLsrc/main/resources/ams/input/amsSqlData.ttl
: sample data set extracted from SQL databasesrc/main/resources/ams/input/sql/20210610_AMS_database_draft.sql
: SQL dump of the database used for the extraction of structural information
: sample SPARQL template for generating SQL INSERT query using STTLsrc/main/resources/ams/mappings/amsRules.ttl
: general mapping rules for inferringbot:Element
into SQL Schemasrc/main/resources/ams/mappings/icdd2ams.ttl
: Ontology for adding relations betweenbot
, see Documentation
- this approach makes use of SPARQL-Generate (sparql-generate.jar) extension of Apache Jena for STTL generation provided on under Apache License, Version 2.0.
- this approach makes use of the R2RML Implementation (r2rml.jar) provided on under MIT license.
- implementation is based on the Apache Jena Framework 3.4.0 (minimum) dependency
The authors gratefully acknowledge CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) and FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) for funding this research; We would like to thank the consortium of research projects AMSFree and BIM4AMS for their collaboration in the research of asset management for bridges.
Liu Liu ([email protected] / ResearchGate profile) and Philipp Hagedorn ([email protected] / GitHub profile / ResearchGate profile)
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