This is the final project for our "Formulacion de Proyectos" course in our university, we had to develop a full product with all the corresponding documents for it.
- Administrative Organization Plan
- Financial Analysis
- Market Analysis
- Technical Analysis
Our idea for the final project was to make an app, that allows our users (students seeking tutoring services) to see all the students in their university that have registered in our app as tutors. Allowing them to select the one that best fits their needs and set up a study session for any project or exam they may have to prepare for.
We decided to make our application in a technology we didn't knew, or only had the basics so we could do our project but at the same time learn some new coding skills. because it would be really boring to do all that theoric work and not have a little fun learning something new right? :P (Heads up: maybe all of the best practices are not implemented because of this and there maybe some boiler plate code, but hey that would be a great way of collaborating to the project we believe refactoring to make things better is love! haha)
You can find our project running live at
- Language: Python
- Framework: Django v1.9.0
- UI Design Pattern: Material Design
- CSS Framework: MaterializeCSS
- CSS Template we used as a base: Parallax
- User Profiles
- Tutoring sessions
- Quickfire Questions
- User Messaging System
- Online Payment
- Onsite Payment
- Recommended Tutoring Tools section
To modify our application and contribute to our project, you first need to fork it and then pip install all the following dependencies our application uses:
- Django-registration
- Django-postman
- Django-ajax-selects
- pytz
- Pillow
Our main application directory is called:
- quicktutorsApp
Here you can find all the static, and templates files for the project.
(Pending for content for further development)
- Pujolsluis - Project Leader / Software Engineer.
- FabioFV - Engineering Director / Software Engineer.
- Phatale - Finance Director / Software Engineer.
- Franzax - Marketing Director / Software Engineer.
- Nelcolon22 - Quality Assurance Director / Software Engineer.