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Benchmarking of $\pi^2$ ZK Metamath checkers

This file contains information on the measurements that we have taken when running our Metamath (MM) proof checker on different Metamath files in various zero-knowledge Virtual Machines (zkVMs).

Our experiment

We run our experiment on a large set of Metamath files with various input sizes, where the input size of a Metamath file is the number of its containing symbols (tokens).

The list of zkVMs that we have considered is the following one:

The implementations of our Metamath proof checker in each of the above zkVMs can be found in the checker/mm folder in the main pi2 repo. They each consist of a guest program which runs on the specific virtual machine and a host program which is our interface to actually running the guest, providing input for it and processing its output. The Metamath files that we are testing can be found in the mm-files folder.

GPU support

Out zkVMs that we are considering only Risc0, zkWASM, SP1 and Cairo provide GPU support. Still, we were only able to run Risc0 and zkWASM with GPU support due to internal setup issues for SP1 and evelvind code base for Cairo.

Rust support

5 out of the 7 tested zkVMs (Risc0, zkWASM, Jolt, SP1, Nexus) provide a Rust compiler. Therefore, for them we have been able to develop and use a shared library for checking Metamath proofs, and thus the comparison among these 5 should be considered more precise, as they share most of the code. While in Cairo and Lurk we implemented the same program (a metamath checker), they were implemented independently of the rust code base and independent of each-other, so the comparison betwen them and the the other 5 should be taken with a grain of salt.

Versions of the zkVMs used

  • Cairo: the Lambdaworks prover, main branch, commit a591186 (the current version, while faster, does not yet support Cairo)
  • Jolt: main branch, commit 3b14242
  • Lurk: main branch, commit 57c48b9
  • Nexus: tag v0.2.3
  • Risc0: version 1.0.5
  • SP1: dev branch, commit 2c78683
  • zkWASM: main branch, commit f5acf8c

Certificate sizes

For each of the zkVMs we've been using the default type of certificate offered by that particular zkVM. For example, the default means composite certificates for Risc0 and SP1 and succinct certificates for zkWASM. We've experimented with generating succinct certificates for Risc0 and compressed certificates for SP1; the elapsed times to generate the shorter certificates seemed to be ~1.6 times larger than that for composite certificates.

How to run our tests

Our full benchmark suite consists of 1225 Metamath files, split in two classes:

  • A class generated from standard Metamath databases (1), (2) by dividing them into small lemmas. These tests can be found under checker/mm/common/metamath-files/benchmark_mm/small in the Docker image;
  • A class of $\pi^2$ proofs of execution of various lengths, which prove the correctness of an ERC20-like program written in IMP. These tests can be found under checker/mm/common/metamath-files/benchmark_mm/imp.

Even though we have set up the Docker image for you to run the tests, we have provided the execution code in the checkers directory.

Docker set up

We provide all our checkers and benchmarks in a publicly available Docker image. Before you begin, make sure you have a working installation of Docker, following the instructions here.

Once done, please run the following command to pull the $\pi^2$ ZK Metamath checkers Docker image:

docker pull


To run our benchmarks, first attach to a shell in our Docker container:

docker run -it bash

As a sanity check, you can run the following command, which will return all ZK backends available in the container:

$ poetry run check-proof -a
Available backends: ['cairo', 'jolt', 'risc0', 'sp1', 'nexus', 'lurk']

The basic syntax for invoking the benchmarking program is:

poetry run check-proof <zkVM> <path to MM proof/s> [--zk-csv PATH] [--log PATH] -v
  • Setting the zkVM argument to all will invoke all checkers on the Metamath files provided. Otherwise, it should be one of cairo, jolt, risc0, sp1, nexus or lurk.
  • The optional --zk-csv parameter will output a benchmarking report to CSV.
  • The optional --log paramter will save the output of the zkVMs to file.


  1. The Docker image does not provide GPU-accelerated builds for any of the zkVMs.
  2. The checkers are timed-out at 15 minutes per Metamath file.


1. Running all MM files with all zkVMs

The following command will run the full benchmark suite on all zkVMs, generate a report in report.csv, and save the zkVM logs to zkvms.log:

poetry run check-proof all ../mm/common/metamath-files/benchmark_mm --zk-csv report.csv --log zkvms.log -v

For a lighter measurement, you can also point the program to the directory containing our small benchmarks:

poetry run check-proof all ../mm/common/metamath-files/benchmark_mm/small --zk-csv report.csv --log zkvms.log -v

2. Running a single MM file with all zkVMs

You can also provide the path of a single Metamath database:

poetry run check-proof all ../mm/common/metamath-files/benchmark_mm/small/hol/ --zk-csv report.csv --log zkvms.log -v

3. Running a single zkVM

By replacing the all keyword with the name of a zkVM, you can execute our checker only in the requested VM:

poetry run check-proof <cairo | jolt | risc0 | sp1 | nexus | lurk | wasm> ...

Our results

To have a more fair comparison among different Metamath files, we pre-tokenize the input and count the number of resulting tokens as the Input size in the columns below.

Proof file size VS CPU proof time

MM-proof file size vs ZK-proof time

In order to save time, for each zkVM we run only some of the 1225 files, which makes the lines from the above figure to be rather approximations of the points corresponding to the measured files. This is the reason for which, for some particular files, one particular zkVM could behave better than other one, even if the figure doesn't show this. For a more precise comparison, we encourage you to check our measurements here.

Note: Nexus is not pictured in the graph above because even on our smallest input execution was quite slow (512 seconds).

ZK Backends

We selected eight representative files and choose to present their corresponding statistics.

Measurements taken on a AMD EPYC 9354 32-Core CPU (64 threads), with 4x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 24GB GPU's and 248GB RAM.

All times below are measured in seconds. Where "TO / OOM" is indicated, it means the checker was either timed out (after 900 seconds), or it exceeded system memory limits.


Benchmark Input size Proving time Verification time 39 0.913 0.029 147 5.975 0.229 508 25.623 0.993 1786 110.230 4.321 6249 228.487 9.102 21332 TO / OOM TO / OOM 73862 TO / OOM TO / OOM 258135 TO / OOM TO / OOM


For the smallest file,, which consists of 18 lines of Metamath declarations and proofs (39 tokens), Nexus proving time is 512 seconds, hence we did not generate a table for Nexus.


Benchmark Input size Proving time Verification time 39 3.170 0.174 147 5.350 0.156 508 10.290 0.229 1786 28.530 0.194 6249 30.000 0.200 21332 91.870 0.218 73862 TO / OOM TO / OOM 258135 TO / OOM TO / OOM


Benchmark Input size Proving time 39 0.924 147 5.588 508 18.167 1786 195.757

We have encountered out-of-memory issues with the next largest Metamath file in our benchmarking suite. However, memory consumption seems to not be monotonic in Metamath input size, as is the general trend with the other checkers. Thus, we do not include the other benchmarks in the table for Lurk.

See this thread on Argument Zulip for further discussion.


Benchmark Input size Proving time Verification time 39 0.443 0.016 147 0.553 0.017 508 0.769 0.018 1786 2.070 0.035 6249 2.090 0.035 21332 3.950 0.053 73862 15.990 0.225 258135 63.740 0.885


Benchmark Input size Proving time Verification time 39 3.140 0.016 147 5.770 0.017 508 11.220 0.018 1786 33.900 0.035 6249 33.480 0.035 21332 66.280 0.053 73862 276.440 0.225 258135 TO / OOM TO / OOM


Benchmark Input size Proving time Verification time 39 7.260 0.203 147 12.220 0.199 508 17.450 0.199 1786 34.860 0.208 6249 34.790 0.207 21332 43.340 0.338 73862 133.150 0.731 258135 456.790 2.490


Benchmark Input size Proving time Verification time 39 33.080 4.059 147 33.020 4.045 508 34.090 4.063 1786 76.550 4.092 6249 79.030 5.063 21332 120.720 5.072 73862 351.660 8.034 258135 TO / OOM TO / OOM


We believe there are several reasons why our code may be improved.

  • Some of the zkVMs that we are considering (e.g. Jolt, Nexus) are still under active development and our corresponding proof checker implementations could benefit from future improvements.
  • We are building the Cairo prover from an old commit.
  • Some of the zkVMs (Cairo, Lurk) are using specialized languages which opens up potential for optimizations unique to their particular languages. As such, we did not include the graphs from these zkVMs in the "Proof file size VS Proof time" section as all zkVMs are Rust-based except for these zkVMs. But we did include the benchmark measurements under the "ZK Backends" section.

All the implementations could actually benefit from hand crafted optimizations, since the zkVM field is such an active research field. If you have any ideas for improvements or spot areas that could be optimized, don't hesitate to jump in. We welcome contributions!

We would like to thank all the mentioned zkVM providers for having provided us feedback on these benchmarks and suggestions to improve our existing proof checking algorithm. We know that the field is continuously evolving and they are getting better and better with any release. We are happy to receive any further news on the improvements that they are going to make and to update our benchmarks accordingly.