Releases: Novalnet-AG/woocommerce-payment-integration-novalnet
[New] Implemented TWINT payment
[Fix] Order status is now correctly updated to reflect successful transactions made on the second attempt via PayPal payment
[Enhanced] API/Webhook Response is normalized in the payment plugin for Instalment Payments
[New] Implemented Direct Debit ACH, Blik, MB Way and Payconiq payments
[Fix] Payment plugin has been updated to handle the "Refunded" order status specifically for overpaid amounts
[Fix] Incorrect order statuses occurring when multiple orders are placed using the same browser session
[Enhanced] Optimized the Callback/Webhook process for fetching Dynamic IP
[Enhanced] Plugin name in the header comment is required to meet WordPress standards
[Fix] Display of PayPal and Guarantee payments for free trial subscription with signup fee
[Fix] Instalment Payments are now handled for WooCommerce Block Checkout
[Enhanced] Offering Instalment payments to B2B customers in Switzerland
[Enhanced] Extension of Instalment Payment cycles till 36 cycles
[Enhanced] Minification of CSS and JavaScript files for enhanced performance
Merge pull request #1 from Novalnet-AG/v12.6.3
[Fix] Return URLs integrated with payment requests during tokenization for Credit Card and Debit Card payments
[Fix] Order numbers are included in the callback event email for accurate transaction mapping
[Fix] Apple Pay transactions are restricted to countries other than the non-shipping country
[Enhanced] Built-in Sub-Resource Integrity (SRI) integrated for JavaScript files to improve security for preventing unauthorized modifications
[Removed] Restricted PayPal payment method for the Zero amount transactions
[Fix] Plugin optimized for High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) for WooCommerce
[Fix] Notifying shop admin about wallet payment transactions via Germanized Plugin
[Fix] Plugin made compatible to work for block-based cart/checkout
first commit
first commit
first commit
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