✨ 基于 OneBot 协议的 我的世界 QQ机器人✨
Forge 1.16.5/1.18.2/1.19.2/1.20.1/1.21
Fabric 1.16.5/1.18.2/1.19.2/1.20.1/1.21
public class APIDemo {
static {
// 事件回调
McBotEvents.ON_CHAT.register((player, msgId, msg) -> System.out.printf("McBot刚刚转发一条消息。由%s发送了%s (%s)%n", player.getName().getString(), msg, msgId));
* 群里发送消息
* @param groupId 群号
* @param message 消息
public static void doSend(long groupId, String message) throws CommandSyntaxException {
Const.sendGroupMsg(groupId, message)
* 撤回消息
* @param message_id 消息ID
public static void recallMessage(int message_id) {
JsonObject json = new Gson().fromJson(
String.format("{'message_id': %s}", message_id),
Const.customRequest(ActionType.DELETE_MSG, json);
public class WebSocketServerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public static LinkedBlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();//使用队列传输数据
public static Thread app = new Thread(() -> {
service = new ConnectFactory(new BotConfig(), blockingQueue);//创建websocket连接
bot = service.ws.createBot();//创建机器人实例
}, "BotServer");
EventBus bus = new EventBus(blockingQueue);//创建事件分发器
GroupMessageListener groupMessageListener = new GroupMessageListener();
groupMessageListener.addHandler("天气", new Handler<GroupMessageEvent>() {
public void handle(GroupMessageEvent groupMessage) {
bus.addListener(new SimpleListener<PrivateMessageEvent>() {//私聊监听
public void onMessage(PrivateMessageEvent privateMessage) {
McBot 以 OneBot-v11 标准协议进行开发,兼容所有支持正向WebSocket的OneBot协议端
项目地址 | 核心作者 | 备注 |
Overflow | MrXiaoM | 实现 mirai 的无缝迁移 |
Lagrange.Core | NepPure | C#实现 By Konata.Core |
OpenShamrock | whitechi73 | Xposed框架hook实现 |
Gensokyo | Hoshinonyaruko | 基于官方api 轻量 原生跨平台 |
LLOnebot | linyuchen | 使用LiteLoaderQQNT |
NapCatQQ | MliKiowa | 基于NTQQ的无头Bot框架 |
OneBot-Mirai | cnlimiter | Mirai的onebot协议实现 |
This product is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. The license is as published by the Free Software Foundation published at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
Alternatively, this product is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for non-commercial use. The license is as published by the Free Software Foundation published at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about licensing or want to use the library in a commercial closed source product.
Thanks to JetBrains for allocating free open-source licences for IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA