This is a proof of concept app of an Online Movie Store where users can perform all the base actions in order to search, rent and pay an online movie. We used the Django Rest Framework and provide only the API with the appropriate endpoints without the UI for the application.
Open a terminal and run following commands:
Clone this repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Change directory to movie_rental_app:
cd movie_rental_app/
Pull the Docker images:
docker pull --all-tags nickloukas/movie_rental_app
Run the Docker Images:
docker-compose run web_migrate docker-compose run -d --service-ports web_run
Access the App at http://localhost:8000/
To get a list of all available movies go to the endpoint http://localhost:8000/movies/
In order to search movies based on a criteria you just need to add a search query at the above endpoint e.g. http://localhost:8000/movies/?search=What
To get the details of a specific movie just ad an id at the end of the endpoint of use case (1) e.g. http://localhost:8000/movies/2/
In our app, we add an Order when we want to rent a movie. An Order has a lot of fields like:
- created: The datetime that the user rented the movie
- returned: The datetime that the user returned the movie
- status: The status that shows if a movie is still rented by a user
or returnedCLOSED
- price: The price of the movie per day
- product: The rented movie in that order
- user: The user that rented that movie
So if a user wants to "rent" a movie he has to add an order here http://localhost:8000/orders/
In order for a user to return a movie, he just has to navigate to the details of the order e.g. http://localhost:8000/orders/1/ and update the status to CLOSED
. That means, that the movie is returned and the final price is calculated based on the day that the movie is returned minus the day that it was rented.
This is basically implemented in the above use case (5) when a movie is returned, but we also provide a choice for the user to calculate the charge based on days even if the movie is still rented or returned. By going to the details of an order here http://localhost:8000/orders/1/ and changing the Returned
date, the price also gets adjusted without the status being changed.
7. User is charged 1 EU per day for the first three days and 0,5 EU per day for the days after the first three
We practically implemented this when calculating the price in the two above use cases.