After attending last years Hackathon, we greatly saw the effect of being in the same room as the people you're working with. The fact is, most internships are in very crowded areas and can be hard to find a place to stay. We believe it is worth it to get that experience which is why we created InternZip
InternZip allows users to search for properties to rent for a season in desired locations. Once you find a property you can join a group for it. Group members have their name, hobbies, and cleanliness displayed to offer you the best match for roommates.
InternZip was built with a react front end, utilizing material-ui's custom components, and a SpringBoot backend, which acts as a REST API.
Designing a frontend, as well as deploying to google cloud.
developed a professional application that is easy to navigate.
We learned two big things. One, the importance of taking your time to plan things before starting. And Two, trusting who you're working with. Most of us were free at different times and couldn't communicate all that often so knowing that you can go on and do what you need to do without worrying was nice.
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