Breaking Changes
- CacheManager.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging is not a separated package anymore. Logging is now part of the Core package.
- CacheManager.Memcached is not supported anymore
- CacheManager.Couchbase is not supported anymore
- CacheManager.Web is not supported anymore
What's Changed
- Added DataContract serialization support via System.Runtime.Serialization library. by @rebulanyum in #200
- Fixing concurrency issue in Memory Cache by @jkernsva in #266
- Fixed error message for incorrect name of CacheManager.Stackexchange.Redis package by @rwwilden in #275
- Add configuration by code for System.Runtime.Caching memory options #177 by @nflash in #228
- Release 2.0 PR with a lot of changes by @MichaCo in #340
- New Ci build testing by @MichaCo in #380
- Fix infinite loop in CheckExtends by @Jmerk523 in #333
- corrections taken from #320 by @MichaCo in #381
- Cleanup and some fixes by @MichaCo in #382
- More cleanup for 2.0 by @MichaCo in #384
New Contributors
- @rebulanyum made their first contribution in #200
- @jkernsva made their first contribution in #266
- @rwwilden made their first contribution in #275
- @nflash made their first contribution in #228
- @Jmerk523 made their first contribution in #333
Other Notes
Testing with Microsoft.Garnet
For testing and benchmarking, this project is now using Microsoft.Garnet, which allows to create a Redis server which runs in process and is easy to setup.
This has some limitations though and before you use Microsoft.Garnet in production, be aware that key space notifications are not supported yet.