Data Serialization Based on Rolne Data Type
This is a Library of functions usefull for the interpretation of MARDS data serialization format.
This Library is dependent on the 'rolne' datatype class.
Simply import the library:
import MARDS
One can then convert a MARDS document into a rolne data type:
>>> my_doc = '''
>>> item zing
>>> size 4
>>> color red
>>> intensity 44%
>>> color yellow
>>> item womp
>>> size 5
>>> color blue
>>> item bam
>>> item broom
>>> size 7
>>> title "The "big" thing"
>>> zoom_flag
>>> system_title hello
>>> '''
>>> result = MARDS.string_to_rolne(my_doc)
>>> print result.get_list("items")
["zing", "womp", "bam", "broom"]
And, in reverse, one can create a MARDS document:
>>> my_doc = MARDS.rolne_to_string(result)
>>> print my_doc
For now, that is pretty much it. For manipulation of the rolne variable, please view the 'rolne' documentation.