- This project was generated with JAVAFX to solve 8-puzzle to goal state 012345678.
- Start by checking the shallowest node first,serch level by level and check if it was the goal when dequeueing from queue.
- Start by checking the deepest node first, and check if it was the goal when poping from stack.
- Searching according to the min(Cost(x) + heuristic(x)) using Priority Queue as frontier.The heuristic is calculated using 2 different methods Manhattan and Euclidean
- user can see the path to the goal by clicking on view path button
- user can see each step by clicking on next to view next step or back to return one step
first user enters the initial case in that form 125340678 and then click Enter Puzzle :). The puzzle will be viewed as shown
Choose the search method from the drop down menu . The default is BFS.then click solve :)
After clicking on solve the results of depth, time and cost will appear (number4).
the information wanted for this search.
you can press next to know the next move of the puzzle and keep moving till reach our goal state 012345678.
View path will open a new window that shows the whole path as in the following photo, also the path is printed in “path.txt” file