Hello, I am Marcus Müller, Senior Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience in IT/software development, specializing in e-commerce and CMS solutions.
- FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools - A collection of useful tools for Shopware 6 (4 weeks ago)
- ddev/ddev-adminer - AdminerEvo service for DDEV (1 month ago)
- shopware/shopware - Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions (2 months ago)
- M-arcus/php-fints-wrapper - A simple wrapper for nemiah/php-fints (2 months ago)
- FriendsOfShopware/homepage - Shopware Homepage (2 months ago)
- dockware/dockware - Managed Shopware 6 Docker setups with dockware. Run any Shopware 6 version within minutes (locally) in Docker (2 months ago)
- deployphp/deployer - The PHP deployment tool with support for popular frameworks out of the box (2 months ago)
- easy-coding-standard/easy-coding-standard (12.5.5, 5 days ago) - The Easiest way to add coding standard to your PHP project
- symfony/symfony (v7.2.2, 1 week ago) - The Symfony PHP framework
- shopware/deployment-helper (0.0.19, 2 weeks ago) - Simplify Shopware Deployments
- mollie/Shopware6 (v4.13.0, 3 weeks ago) -
- FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1.3.5, 3 weeks ago) - A collection of useful tools for Shopware 6
- FriendsOfShopware/shopware-cli (0.4.62, 3 weeks ago) - CLI for Shopware Account and Shopware 6
- actions/attest-build-provenance (v2.1.0, 4 weeks ago) - Action for generating build provenance attestations for workflow artifacts
- Add "Messenger auto_setup" checker on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1 month ago)
- Add "Disable Product Stream Indexer" checker on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1 month ago)
- Add "Disable Symfony Secrets" checker on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1 month ago)
- Use adminerevo docker image instead of the deprecated adminer image, fixes #27 on ddev/ddev-adminer (1 month ago)
- Cart & Cache compression: Set SettingsResult severity to info for dea… on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1 month ago)
- feature: allow scheduling of scheduled tasks on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1 month ago)
- NEXT-00000 - Allow activating staging mode via console with no interaction on shopware/shopware (2 months ago)
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