Digital Shop is an internet shop with plenty of features. You can buy any kinds of products from different categories which sellers offer, and also manage your account and orders list.
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Go to
folder and installwebpack
npm i webpack webpack-cli
- Run npm dev or prod version to create bundle file:
npm run dev
npm run prod
Go to project root folder, create
file and copy the contents of.env.sample
to it. Replace some variables if needed. -
Run the containers:
docker-compose build
For the first time it may take 5-20 minutes to build everything (depends on your internet connection and PC hardware)
- If celery worker container fails to start check
bash script's line break type. It should beLF
, notCRLF
- Home page:
- Carts:
- Product details:
- Profile:
- Fully REST API project (using DRF)
- Separated backend and frontend
- Configured GitHub Actions
- Codecov coverage support
- Localization (EN and RU)
Products and Categories
- In home page all available (and some unavailable) products can be viewed
- Filter products by categories, date, price and availability
- Search product by its title or description
JWT Authentication
- Access and refresh tokens
- Email verification on sign up (optional)
- Forgot password implementation (using email)
Cart system
- 2 types of carts: user and non-user
- Non-user cart has its expiration date and after it a new will be given (the old one gets deleted)
- Anonymous user (not logged in) will get a non-user cart
- After logging in non-user cart will be attached to logged in user
- If logged in user already has cart then both carts will be displayed
- And content from non-user cart can easily be transferred to user one
- Each cart can be filled with products
- You can also change quantity or remove product from cart
- After purchasing a new order will be saved and then can be checked in "My orders" page (if it is a signed in user). Also cart becomes archived and user will be given a new one.
User management
- Profile page (you can visit other profile pages as well)
- Change personal info (including email)
- My orders page (manage your orders)
Seller management (same as user management but with few extra options)
- Manage your products (Add, edit, delete, set to inactive)
- Additional filters (e.g.: "Only your products" filter)
- To run project:
docker-compose up
- To run linters:
docker-compose up lint
- To fill the database:
docker-compose up filldb
There are 2 main fixture files:
- prod.json
- dev.json
If you want to test it with different users here are the credentials (applies to both dev and prod fixtures):
- Superuser:
- email:
[email protected]
- password:
- email:
- User 1 (Seller, can create products):
- email:
[email protected]
- password:
- email:
- User 2 (regular user):
- email:
[email protected]
- password:
- email:
Production fixtures (prod.json
) shows how the shop may look like filled with regular products. They include users, superuser, products, categories, carts and cart items.
Development fixtures (dev.json
) are mainly for testing. For example, how the UI will behave with different amount of symbols (min or max).
- To run tests:
docker-compose up test
These tests cover:
- API (integration tests)
- ViewSet permissions and queryset
- Endpoints whose logic hasn't been tested by services tests
- Services
- All custom business logic
- Pagination
- Custom data pagination
- Managers
- Custom user creation
- Permissions
- Custom permissions
- Celery tasks
- Backend:
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- dj-rest-auth
- Nginx
- Celery
- Redis
- Gunicorn
- PostgreSQL
- Coverage
- Frontend:
- ReactJS
- Babel
- Webpack
- Redux
- Axios
- i18next
- Other:
- GitHub
- GitHub Actions
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Codecov
See my GitHub profile for further information: profile link