- Add lock inactive threads action @Limych
- Update pytest-homeassistant-custom-component requirement @dependabot[bot]
- Fix testing by bumping pytest-homeassistant-custom-component (#54) @MatthewFlamm
- Update pre-commit requirement from ~=2.11 to ~=2.12 @dependabot[bot]
- Add blueprint usage instructions to README @Limych
- Update pyupgrade requirement from ~=2.11 to ~=2.12 @dependabot[bot]
- Fix typo in api.py (#55) @rroller
- Bump actions/cache from v2.1.4 to v2.1.5 @dependabot[bot]
- Update pyupgrade requirement from ~=2.12 to ~=2.13 @dependabot[bot]
- Bump black from 20.08b1 to 21.4b0 @dependabot[bot]
- Update pylint requirement from ~=2.7 to ~=2.8 @dependabot[bot]
- Update pygithub requirement from ~=1.54 to ~=1.55 @dependabot[bot]
- Bump black from 21.4b0 to 21.4b1 @dependabot[bot]
- Bump black from 21.4b1 to 21.4b2 @dependabot[bot]
- Add IoT class to manifest @Limych
- Update release script @Limych
- Add HACS validation action @Limych
- Add IoT class to manifest @Limych