yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
For production environment you need to replace the value of the const API_URL from
"https://registro-demo.api.lacnic.net/lacnic/2.0/" to
"https://registro.api.lacnic.net/lacnic/2.0/" in the src/utils/constants.js file.
Login using ORG-ID and Token provided by Auth0:
Token URL: https://dev-lacnic.auth0.com/oauth/token
Flow: password
Home page, Once logged in you will see a list of IPv4, IPv6, and ASN resources of
the organization with links to View Delegations, and Edit Contacts.
See Delegations of a block - allows to see a list with all the delegations each one with
their hostnames, a link to Delete, and a link to edit the delegation (edit the hostnames).
Also a New delegation link is provided.
New Delegation.
Delete delegation - deletes the delegation along with its reverse hosts.
Edit Org - edit the organization information.
View and Create RPKI Certificates.
View, and Revoke ROAs.
Edit Contacts (IP).
Edit Contacts (ASN).
Form validations, OAuth authentication, sub-assignments, ROAs Creation,
IRR and Rate limit features are not included in this release.