SpecialFunctions v1.2.0
Closed issues:
- expintx function — exponentially scaled expint (#249)
- cancellation error in expint for near-integer order and small |z| (#276)
- erfcinv does not support BigFloat (#277)
Merged pull requests:
- Add differentiation rules from ChainRules (#238) (@devmotion)
- Add exponentially scaled exponential integral (expintx) (#270) (@augustt198)
- upper incomplete gamma function Γ(a,z) (#271) (@stevengj)
- bigfloat erfinv and erfcinv (#278) (@stevengj)
- fix spurious domainerror for expint(3.2, 1.3) (#280) (@stevengj)
- expint: series around gamma poles (#281) (@augustt198)