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add initdiv option (closes #13)
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stevengj committed Nov 30, 2018
1 parent 78ff059 commit 55106d3
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ the `hcubature` function:

### `hcubature`

hcubature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int))
hcubature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int), initdiv=1)

This computes the n-dimensional integral of f(x), where `n == length(a) == length(b)`,
over the hypercube whose corners are given by the vectors (or tuples) `a` and `b`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ It also stops if the number of `f` evaluations exceeds `maxevals`.
If neither `atol` nor `rtol` are specified, the
default `rtol` is the square root of the precision `eps(T)`
of the coordinate type `T` described above.
Initially, the volume is divided into `initdiv` segments along each dimension.

The error is estimated by `norm(I - I′)`, where `I′` is an alternative
estimated integral (via an "embedded" lower-order cubature rule.)
Expand All @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ returns a vector of integrands with different scalings.)

### `hquadrature`

hquadrature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int))
hquadrature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int), initdiv=1)

Compute the (1d) integral of f(x) from `a` to `b`. The
return value of `hcubature` is a tuple `(I, E)` of the estimated integral
Expand Down
59 changes: 43 additions & 16 deletions src/HCubature.jl
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Expand Up @@ -47,21 +47,47 @@ end
cubrule(::Val{0}, ::Type{T}) where {T} = Trivial()
countevals(::Trivial) = 1

function hcubature_(f, a::SVector{n,T}, b::SVector{n,T}, norm, rtol_, atol, maxevals) where {n, T<:AbstractFloat}
function hcubature_(f, a::SVector{n,T}, b::SVector{n,T}, norm, rtol_, atol, maxevals, initdiv) where {n, T<:AbstractFloat}
rtol = rtol_ == 0 == atol ? sqrt(eps(T)) : rtol_
(rtol < 0 || atol < 0) && throw(ArgumentError("invalid negative tolerance"))
maxevals < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("invalid negative maxevals"))
initdiv < 1 && throw(ArgumentError("initdiv must be positive"))

rule = cubrule(Val{n}(), T)
I, E, kdiv = rule(f, a,b, norm)
numevals = evals_per_box = countevals(rule)
(E max(rtol*norm(I), atol) || numevals maxevals || n == 0) && return I,E

firstbox = Box(a,b, I,E,kdiv)
Δ = (b-a) / initdiv
b1 = initdiv == 1 ? b : a+Δ
I, E, kdiv = rule(f, a,b1, norm)
(n == 0 || iszero(prod(Δ))) && return I,E
firstbox = Box(a,b1, I,E,kdiv)
boxes = DataStructures.binary_maxheap(typeof(firstbox))
push!(boxes, firstbox)

ma = MVector(a)
mb = MVector(b)

if initdiv > 1 # initial box divided by initdiv along each dimension
skip = true # skip the first box, which we already added
@inbounds for c in CartesianIndices(ntuple(i->Base.OneTo(initdiv), Val{n}())) # Val ntuple loops are unrolled
if skip; skip=false; continue; end
for i = 1:n
ma[i] = a[i]+(c[i]-1)*Δ[i]
mb[i] = c[i]==initdiv ? b[i] : a[i]+c[i]*Δ[i]
x = SVector(ma)
y = SVector(mb)
# this is shorter and has unrolled loops, but somehow creates a type instability:
# x = SVector(ntuple(i -> a[i]+(c[i]-1)*Δ[i], Val{n}()))
# y = SVector(ntuple(i -> c[i]==initdiv ? b[i] : a[i]+c[i]*Δ[i], Val{n}()))
box = Box(x,y, rule(f, x,y, norm)...)
I += box.I; E += box.E; numevals += evals_per_box
push!(boxes, box)

(E max(rtol*norm(I), atol) || numevals maxevals) && return I,E

@inbounds while true
# get box with largest error
box = pop!(boxes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,19 +122,19 @@ function hcubature_(f, a::SVector{n,T}, b::SVector{n,T}, norm, rtol_, atol, maxe

function hcubature_(f, a::SVector{n,T}, b::SVector{n,S},
norm, rtol, atol, maxevals) where {n, T<:Real, S<:Real}
norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv) where {n, T<:Real, S<:Real}
F = float(promote_type(T, S))
return hcubature_(f, SVector{n,F}(a), SVector{n,F}(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals)
return hcubature_(f, SVector{n,F}(a), SVector{n,F}(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv)
hcubature_(f, a::AbstractVector{<:Real}, b::AbstractVector{<:Real},
norm, rtol, atol, maxevals) =
hcubature_(f, SVector{length(a)}(a), SVector{length(b)}(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals)
norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv) =
hcubature_(f, SVector{length(a)}(a), SVector{length(b)}(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv)
hcubature_(f, a::NTuple{n,<:Real}, b::NTuple{n,<:Real},
norm, rtol, atol, maxevals) where {n} =
hcubature_(f, SVector{n}(a), SVector{n}(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals)
norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv) where {n} =
hcubature_(f, SVector{n}(a), SVector{n}(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv)

hcubature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int))
hcubature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int), initdiv=1)
Compute the n-dimensional integral of f(x), where `n == length(a) == length(b)`,
over the hypercube whose corners are given by the vectors (or tuples) `a` and `b`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,6 +167,7 @@ It also stops if the number of `f` evaluations exceeds `maxevals`.
If neither `atol` nor `rtol` are specified, the
default `rtol` is the square root of the precision `eps(T)`
of the coordinate type `T` described above.
Initially, the volume is divided into `initdiv` segments along each dimension.
The error is estimated by `norm(I - I′)`, where `I′` is an alternative
estimated integral (via an "embedded" lower-order cubature rule.)
Expand All @@ -150,11 +177,11 @@ the `norm` keyword argument. (This is especially useful when `f`
returns a vector of integrands with different scalings.)
hcubature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol::Real=0, atol::Real=0,
maxevals::Integer=typemax(Int)) =
hcubature_(f, a, b, norm, rtol, atol, maxevals)
maxevals::Integer=typemax(Int), initdiv::Integer=1) =
hcubature_(f, a, b, norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv)

hquadrature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int))
hquadrature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol=sqrt(eps), atol=0, maxevals=typemax(Int), initdiv=1)
Compute the integral of f(x) from `a` to `b`. The
return value of `hcubature` is a tuple `(I, E)` of the estimated integral
Expand All @@ -169,7 +196,7 @@ and call the [`quadgk`](@ref) function, which provides additional flexibility
e.g. in choosing the order of the quadrature rule.
hquadrature(f, a, b; norm=norm, rtol::Real=0, atol::Real=0,
maxevals::Integer=typemax(Int)) =
hcubature_(x -> f(x[1]), SVector(a), SVector(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals)
maxevals::Integer=typemax(Int), initdiv::Integer=1) =
hcubature_(x -> f(x[1]), SVector(a), SVector(b), norm, rtol, atol, maxevals, initdiv)

end # module
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -51,3 +51,10 @@ end
@test hcubature(f, (0.0,0.0,-0.2), (0.2,2π,0.2), rtol=1e-6)[1] (22502//140625)*π rtol=1e-6

@testset "initdiv" begin
for initdiv = 1:5
@test sin(1)^2 hcubature(x -> cos(x[1])*cos(x[2]), [0,0], [1,1], initdiv=initdiv)[1]
@test sin(1) @inferred(hquadrature(cos, 0, 1, initdiv=initdiv))[1]

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