Project for Information Retrieval course.
Search engine to display for sale artworks. Around 8,500k~ documents indexed from art selling related websites, served in a user-friendly interface.
- Simple:
- Result presentation
- Filtering
- Complex:
- Automatic recommendation
Download Poetry to handle the project dependencies.
Poetry creates a virtual environment for the project, to activate it select it as local interpreter in IDE or
run poetry shell
in the terminal to join the poetry environment.
Run poetry install --no-root
to install the dependencies from within the virtual env.
All commands assume dependencies are installed in your python virtual environment e.g. poetry env, venv, etc
Web crawling feature uses the Scrapy open source Python framework for extracting data in a fast, simple and extensible way.
The webpages are crawled by the spiders, which scrapy the web pages and get documents out of every post regarding selling art with its major info:
- author
- title
- price
- description
- categories
- image url reference
- post url reference
the crawler project is in crawler/
To run a website crawler, got into crawler/
directory and run:
scrapy crawl crawler-name -O file-data.json
The indexer is a microservice using a FastAPI application exposing a REST API running in uvicorn
server at port 8001
The inverted index creation process:
- load the list of document results in json format given from crawlers
- convert the json entries into a pandas dataframe
- index it with Pyterrier DFIndexer class to generate the inverted index
- retrieve docs with Batch using BM25 model
Functionalities offered are:
- query the indexer, GET req.
- regenerate the inverted index, POST req
Backend and indexer are separated to allow for a more flexible deployment and separation of concerns in microservices architecture infrastructure.
To run indexer with hot reload, get into crawler/
directory and run:
uvicorn index:app --reload --port 8001
To run the backend with hot reload, run the python script inside the backend/
./ runserver
Vuejs, vite, typescript
To run the frontend with hot reload:
yarn run dev
Remember: do not name files as popular python modules e.g. pyterrier
Problem: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_bz2'
# beware of path assumptions made here for python version and distro
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
sudo cp /usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/ /usr/local/lib/python3.10/
Problem: common MS Windows issues
- set
in system environment variables for Pyterrier lookup jvm.dll
not found, download jdk from oracle containing both JDK and JRE
pip3 installs from PyPI an incompatible version of pyterrier 0.9.x
with latest pandas 2.0.0 >
spotted issue in pyterrier/
file from pyterrier module because
using a deprecated API call on pandas dataframe
Solution: enforce newer pyterrier version 0.10.x
from repository