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User Guide

Michał Tomaszkiewicz edited this page Jun 5, 2024 · 13 revisions

Connecting To a Network



Since IterkoczeOS 3.2


switch to root using su.

First, you'll need to obtain the SSID of the network you'd like to connect to.

iw wlan0 | egrep "signal|SSID"

This command will display a list of network SSIDs and their signals in your range.

Next, you will have to make a configuration file. This file will be used at the IterkoczeOS startup to connect you to that network automatically

wpa_passphrase <SSID> <PASSWORD> > /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf

After that, IterkoczeOS will connect you to this network at startup. You can reboot your system or connect to the network now using

ifdown wlan0 && ifup wlan0

No password

If the network you are connecting to isn't password protected, create /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf with the following content



Keep in mind, that not every network card is supported by IterkoczeOS and some might have missing firmware. You can check for any error messages sent by the kernel dmesg | grep -i firmware. This command will output any kernel messages related to firmware. If you notice that firmware for your device is missing, you can message me and request for it to be added in the next release, or install it yourself from here

If you decide to send me a request, please include the full name of your device as reported by the kernel. Download the pciutils package using paka package -D pciutils and run lspci.

Optimizing the kernel/programs for your CPU

If you wish, you can compile the kernel or userspace programs with special optimizations for your current platform. All source code of IterkoczeOS is available here

Compiling the IterkoczeOS kernel

Due to GitHub's file size limit, I can't upload the kernel source, but all you need is the configuration file which you can find on your system in the /boot directory. Execute uname -r to see the current kernel version. Example output: 6.1.11IterkoczeOS. From this output, We can learn, that the current IterkoczeOS kernel version is 6.1.11. Download the corresponding version from

Unpack the kernel using tar xf <kernel tarball> and cd to it.

make mrproper
cp -v /boot/config-<kernel version>-IterkoczeOS ./.config
make menuconfig

Verify, that the configuration got loaded properly.

make menuconfig

Under General setup you should see the local version value set to IterkoczeOS. If it is, the configuration is loaded properly and you can now modify the kernel settings

Creating formula files for Paka

You can create custom packages which will be managed by Paka. Navigate to /programs/system/paka/formula and copy any formula file. Open it in any text editor, and fill in the required information.

Now, you can run paka package -D <your formula name>