Smart Pocket is a blockchain based E-Wallet application which is used to easily transfer cryptocurrency from one account to another. Smart Pocket transfers DAI coins from one account to another at a minimum gas fee with the help of metamask. Log history of the previous transactions are shown in the UI. It can be easily used by any organizations for safe transfer of coins by using etherum network.
- Metamask is used for authentication purposes.
- Various options such as successful transfer, log history are implemented.
- Fake DAI tokens are minted for transferring coins.
- Any cryptocurrency can be used.
- Interactive and responsive UI.
- Graphical and visual innovative effects are implemented.
- Latest technologies are used.
Web3js, Solidity, Openzepplin
Nodejs should be installed in the device. Along with Nodejs, any code editor, Truffle, Ganache and Metamask extension of chrome should also be installed.
Clone the repo
git clone
After cloning this repository, migrate to
folder. Then, follow the following steps:
- Create Metamsak account
- Use Ganache account numbers for transfer of coins
- Change the account numbers in initial_migration.js file
- Link metamask account to the application
- Run the following commands to run your app:
npm i (to install all the dependencies)
npm start
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser.
Windows 10 64 bitRAM:
8 GBProcessor:
11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5