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E-commerce App with Express.js, Mongoose, and MongoDB

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Project Requirements

  3. Database Analysis

  4. Author


This is my work during learning backend web development.

This is an e-commerce-Node.js application built with Express.js, Mongoose, and MongoDB, following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern.

Project Requirements

  1. User Accounts: Enable users to create accounts and log in to the platform.

  2. Contact Information: Allow users to store personal details like their name, email, and phone number.

  3. Address Management: Provide users with the ability to add multiple addresses to their account.

  4. Payment Methods: Enable users to add and manage multiple payment methods.

  5. Product Catalog: Develop a system capable of handling a wide range of products.

  6. Categorization: Implement a category structure for products, allowing items to belong to one or more categories.

  7. Inventory Tracking: Keep track of product availability by monitoring stock levels.

  8. Shopping Cart: Facilitate users' shopping experience by letting them add items to a cart. Carts can be saved for logged-in users.

  9. Order Placement: Require users to provide both payment and address details when placing an order.

  10. Shipping Options: Provide users with a selection of shipping methods, each associated with a fixed price.

  11. Order Progress: Implement an order processing system with stages such as order processing, delivery in progress, and order delivered.

  12. Customer Reviews: Allow users to leave reviews for purchased products, including a rating and written feedback.

  13. Promotions: Enable the platform to run promotions, allowing discounts on specific product categories.

Database Analysis

  1. Image:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • secure_url => String
    • public_id => String
  2. Category:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • name => String
    • slug => String
    • image => Embedded Image document
  3. Subcategory:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • name => String
    • slug => String
    • category_id: ObjectId (Reference to Category)
  4. Brand:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • name => String
    • slug => String
    • image => Embedded Image document
  5. Product:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • name => String
    • slug => String
    • mainImage => Embedded Image document
    • images => [Embedded Image documents]
    • description => String
    • price => Number
    • discount => Number
    • priceAfterDiscount => Number
    • ratingAvg => Number
    • rateCount => Number
    • stock => Number
    • soldItems => Number
    • category_id: ObjectId (Reference to Category)
    • subcategory_id: ObjectId (Reference to Subcategory)
    • brand_id: ObjectId (Reference to Brand)
    • createdBy: ObjectId (Reference to User)
    • updatedBy: ObjectId (Reference to User)
  6. Review:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • title => String
    • content => String
    • rate => Number
    • product_id: ObjectId (Reference to Product)
    • customer_id: ObjectId (Reference to User)
  7. Address:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • street => String
    • city => String
    • zipCode => Number
    • country => String
    • defaultAddress => Boolean
  8. User:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • firstName => String
    • lastName => String
    • slug => String
    • email => String
    • password => String
    • phone => String
    • addresses: [Embedded Address documents]
    • role => String
    • verifiedEmail => Boolean
    • blocked => Boolean
    • deactivated => Boolean
    • wishlist: [ObjectID] (References to Products)
  9. Cart:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key) More attributes will be added later
  10. Coupon:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key)
    • code => String
    • expiresAt => Date
    • discount => Number
    • active => Boolean
    • customerIds: [ObjectID] (References to Users)
  11. Order:

    • _id => ObjectId (Automatically generated primary key) More attributes will be added later



Practicing with Node.js and MongoDB






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