Hannah Eichhorn, Kerstin Hammernik, Veronika Spieker, Elisa Saks, Kilian Weiss, Christine Preibisch, Julia A. Schnabel
Accepted as oral at ISMRM 2024 | abstract
Extension accepted at MICCAI 2024 | find the repository here
Synopsis: Motivation: T2*-quantification from GRE-MRI is particularly impacted by subject motion due to its sensitivity to magnetic field inhomogeneities. The current multi-parametric quantitative BOLD motion correction method depends on additional k-space acquisition, extending overall acquisition times. Goal(s): To develop a learning-based motion correction method tailored to T2*-quantification that avoids redundant data acquisition. Approach: PHIMO leverages multi-echo T2*-decay information to identify motion-corrupted k-space lines and exclude them from a data-consistent deep learning reconstruction. Results: We are able to correct motion artifacts in subjects with stronger motion, approaching the performance of the current motion correction method, while substantially reducing the acquisition time. Impact: PHIMO reduces strong motion artifacts in T2* maps by utilizing T2* decay information in an unrolled DL reconstruction. PHIMO avoids redundant data acquisition compared to a current correction method and reduces the acquisition time by over 40%, facilitating clinical applicability
If you use this code, please cite our abstract:
title={PHIMO: Physics-Informed Motion Correction of {GRE} {MRI} for {T2*} Quantification},
author={Hannah Eichhorn and Kerstin Hammernik and Veronika Spieker and Elisa Sacks and Kilian Weiss and Christine Preibisch and Julia A. Schnabel},
booktitle="Proceedings of the 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition",
: code belonging to the above work, using an adapted version of the IML-CompAI Framework and the MERLIN Framework
All computations were performed using Python 3.8.12 and PyTorch 2.0.1.
Create a virtual environment with the required packages:
cd ${TARGET_DIR}/PHIMO conda env create -f conda_environment.yml source activate phimo *or* conda activate phimo
Install pytorch with cuda:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia pip install torchinfo conda install -c conda-forge pytorch-lightning
For setting up wandb please refer to the IML-CompAI Framework.
Use the file
to create symbolic links underismrm-abstract/iml-dl/data/links_to_data/
(folders need to be adapted here). -
to correct settings (i.e. input and output folders) -
Run the following commands for training (reconstruction):
# go to right directory and activate the conda environment
cd path_to_code/PHIMO/ismrm-abstract/iml-dl
conda activate ismrm_2024
# launch the experiment
echo 'Starting Script'
python -u ./core/Main.py --config_path ./projects/recon_t2star/configs/config_training.yaml
- Run the following commands for interference (motion correction):
# go to right directory and activate the conda environment
cd path_to_code/PHIMO/ismrm-abstract/iml-dl
conda activate ismrm_2024
# launch the experiment
echo 'Starting Script'
python -u ./core/Main.py --config_path ./projects/recon_t2star/configs/config_inference.yaml
- For the evaluation of results and creation of plots for ISMRM abstract, adapt the config file
and runismrm-abstract/iml-dl/projects/recon_t2star/evaluate_predictions.py