To install and use this project:
Prerequisites and useful information :
If you are on a Mac M1 (Arm64 version) you need to have Rosetta 2 installed, as Meteor uses it for running MongoDB. Check how to install it here
Meteor works with Node.js version >= 10 and <= 14, for Windows you need to have Node.js installed for running the npm installer (tip: you can use nvm for managing node versions).
Meteor supports Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2 and up.
Disabling antivirus (Windows Defender, etc.) will improve performance.
For compatibility, Linux binaries are built with CentOS 6.4 i386/amd64.
iOS development requires the latest Xcode.
Do not install meteor npm in your project’s package.json by any means, the npm library is only an installer.
installed meteor packages :
$ meteor add twbs:bootstrap
$ meteor add check
$ meteor add Accounts-ui, accounts-password
$ meteor add blaze jquery
$ meteor npm install jquery
$ meteor npm install --save @babel/runtime react react-dom react-router-dom moment
Useful commands:
To choose the localhost port: meteor run --port 4000
To create a basic Meteor react project: meteor create name
To create an empty Meteor project: meteor create name --bare
See version of Meteor : meteor --version
See the project's installed meteor dependencies : meteor list --tree
Empty the localhost db of mondodb : meteor reset
Provide the info of the db and in particular the url to access it (replace the ip by localhost) : meteor mongo