Inspired by KennyJam 2024, Linky is a two player shared-screen game. The players are linked by Linky, a laser beam which must not be broken or interrupt.
- ✨ Two players - Shared screen
- 📝 Multiple rooms to resolve!
- 🎁 Infinite run
- No more roadmap
If you want to create your own rooms, you can fork the project.
Look at how other rooms are created: /scenes/levels/door/...
for instance.
Once created, you may add it to InfiniteLoader
Basically, a room should:
- extend
- start at [0; 0] and face the top
- have a Node2D defining the position to place the next level
- have 6 blocks wide start and end
- be finishable
- Godot 4.3
- Kenney assets