An assignment is to create a CloudFormation template / terraform stack which will create:
A VPC in us-west-1 that contains : A private subnet in us-west-1a One t2.small Instance in this private subnet A public subnet in us-west-1b One t2.small Instance in this public subnet, with a public IP
The template should output : The Public IP of the instance in the public subnet The Private IP of the instance in the private subnet
These two instances should have internet access which means : The Public Instance's traffic must go through an Internet Gateway in the VPC The Private Instance's traffic must go through a NAT Gateway in the VP
#Solution:- under the devops-challenge you will find out below .tf files. it will create two instances , one public and one private \n
mykey private key create NAT and attched with private subnet create security group and allow ssh port creat VPC , IG with requied availabilty zone etc Required key to attached with the instance to access the instance later public key described region all the required variable declaration
# How to RUN
1:- Download the repo
Inside the folder run the below commands
2:- terraform init
3:- terraform plan -out out.terraform
4:- terraform apply out.terraform
Note :- There is NO availbilty zone 1b in us-west-1 , So I choose 1c for Public instance.