##Resume Website
This project is a simple, responsive resume website created using HTML and CSS. It showcases key information about the individual, including contact details, skills, education, and work experience. Project Structure
##The project consists of two main files:
index.html: The main structure of the resume.
styles.css: The styling for the webpage.
##**Features ** Header: Displays the name and title of the individual. Contact Section: Includes email, GitHub profile, and LinkedIn link. Skills Section: Lists technical skills in web development and programming. Education Section: Shows the education details. About Section: Provides a brief personal description and career goals. Work Experience Section: Details internship experience, responsibilities, and achievements.
##How to Use
Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
Open index.html in your web browser to view the resume.
Modify the content in index.html to customize it for your own use.
##Technologies Used
HTML for the structure of the webpage.
CSS for styling and layout.
##Installation Instructions
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo-name.git
Navigate into the project directory:
cd your-repo-name
Open index.html in your preferred web browser to preview the project.
##Live Demo
[Insert your live demo link here, e.g., GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel link] Customization
Modify the content in the index.html file to change the details like name, contact information, and work history.
Adjust the styles.css file to change the appearance, including colors, fonts, and layout.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Acknowledgements
Inspired by modern resume designs.
Thanks to the open-source community for their resources.