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no‧code‧room: No code REST API server based on zencode natural language smart contracts

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No code REST API server based on zencode natural language smart contracts

🎮 Quick start

To start using ncr run the following commands

# download the binary
wget -O ~/.local/bin/ncr && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/ncr

# checkout this repo
git clone

# run the server with the example folder
ncr -p 3000 -z ./ncr/tests/fixtures --public-directory ./ncr/public

Opening http://localhost:3000/docs with your browser to see the result. You will found a list of all the available endpoints, that simply are the zencode files in the ./tests/fixtures folder. Moreover you will have the possibility to access directly all the files under the ./public folder, like http://localhost:3000/file_example_MP3_700KB.mp3.

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💾 Build

Ncr comes also in a easy to use executable file. You can build it by running the following command

git clone
cd ncr
pnpm i
pnpm build

or dowload it from the latest realease from GitHub

chmod +x ncr

and run it with the simple command

./ncr -p 3000 -z ./tests/fixtures --public-directory ./public

that will serve the zencode contract under the folder ./tests/fixtures and the public files under the folder ./public on

💾🪫 Build on ARM32

NCR builds on Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 (4GB and above) with Raspbian-ARM32.

You also to set these flags to get it to work:

export CXXFLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3 -mno-unaligned-access"
export CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3 -mno-unaligned-access"

Then build using:

pnpm raspi32

The build will take a couple of hours 😎

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🐋 Docker

docker pull

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🔧 Configuration

Configuration can be done both via CLI or via .env file.

Usage: ncr [options]


  • -z, --zencode-directory <directory>
    env: ZENCODE_DIR
    specify the zencode contracts directory (default: current directory)
  • --public-directory <directory>
    env: PUBLIC_DIR
    specify the static files directory
  • -p, --port <number>
    env: PORT
    specify port number; if unspecified ncr will listen to a random free port (default: 0)
  • --zenroom-version <string>
    specify the version of ZENROOM to interpret the contracts (default: "4.12.0")
  • --openapi-path <string>
    specify where to mount the swagger docs (default: "/docs")
  • --openapi-info <file>
    provide the json info for the swagger docs (default: "./openapi_info.json")
  • --hostname <string>
    env: HOSTNAME
    Provide the hostname to serve the server (default: "")
  • --template <file>
    Provide the html template for the applets (default: "./applet_template.html")
  • --basepath <string>
    env: BASEPATH
    specify the basepath for all APIs (default: "")
  • -D, --debug
    env: DEBUG
    debug (default: false)
  • -v, --version
    show version number

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📋 Testing

Test can be done with the command

pnpm i
pnpm test

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🐛 Troubleshooting & debugging

Availabe bugs are reported via GitHub issues.

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😍 Acknowledgements

Coming soon.

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🌐 Links

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👤 Contributing

  1. 🔀 FORK IT
  2. ✨ Create your feature branch git checkout -b feature/branch
  3. 🖋️ Commit your changes git commit -am 'feat: New feature'
  4. ⬆️ Push your changes git push origin feature/branch
  5. 🚀 Create a PR gh pr create --fill
  6. 🙏🏽 Thank you!

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💼 License

noˑcodeˑroom - No code REST API server based on zencode
Copyleft 🄯 2024 The Forkbomb Company, Amsterdam

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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Metadata Attributes

Metadata are used in NCR as ancillary files to the .zen and .keys.json, to better define behaviour and parameters of the API. The metadata file should have the same name as the .zen it follows, with the extensoin .metadata.json, see an example here. The metadata attributes, with the defualt values are listed below.

Attribute Description Default Value
http_headers Used to specify the HTTP headers. false
error_code Used to specify the error code. '500'
success_code Used to specify the success code. '200'
success_description Used to specify the success description in openApi. 'The zencode execution output, splitted by newline'
error_description Used to specify the error description. 'Zenroom execution error'
content_type Used to specify the content type. 'application/json'
disable_get Used to disable the GET method. false
disable_post Used to disable the POST method. false
success_content_type Used to specify the content type for successful responses. 'application/json'
error_content_type Used to specify the content type for error responses. 'plain/text'
examples Used to provide examples. {}
tags Used to specify the tags. ['📑 Zencodes']
hidden Used to hide the endpoint. false
hide_from_openapi Used to hide the endpoint from OpenAPI documentation. false
precondition Used to specify a path to a slangroom contract to be used as precondition. false