Tags: Eric-Jalal/cpp-pipeline
Toggle v0.0.7's commit message
Merge pull request #6 from Eric-Jalal/develop
Workflow update
Toggle v0.0.6's commit message
Merge branch 'develop' into main
Toggle v0.0.5's commit message
Merge branch 'develop' into main
Toggle v0.0.4's commit message
Merge branch 'develop' into main
Toggle v0.0.4-develop.3's commit message
Select gcc compilter version
Toggle v0.0.4-develop.2's commit message
Select gcc compilter version
Toggle v0.0.4-develop.1's commit message
Apply gitflow to the workflows
- Only include compiled artifact in the release
- Tag as latest the docker image pushed in this stage
Toggle v0.0.4-develop.0's commit message
Apply gitflow to the workflows
- Only include compiled artifact in the release
- Tag as latest the docker image pushed in this stage
Toggle v0.0.3's commit message
Merge pull request #4 from Eric-Jalal/develop
Apply gitflow to the workflows
Toggle v0.0.2's commit message
Merge pull request #3 from Eric-Jalal/develop
Update flow and enhance dockerfile
You can’t perform that action at this time.