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EpiCanard edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 1 revision


The language file it will try to load the language file langs/fr_FR.yml or extract it from the jar if it doesn't exists.

Language: "fr_FR"


The prefix is added before every sent message, you can customize it with this parameter.

Prefix: "&a[MapSaver] &f"


If you use this plugin with multiple servers each server MUST have a serverName unique. Each map_item is unique by server, if the serverName is not unique you can have unwanted behavior.

ServerName: "server"


This section contains all information to connect to your database.

  Type: "mysql"
    Host: "localhost"
    Port: "3306"
    Database: "my_database"
    User: "my_user"
    Password: "my_password"
    UseSSL: true


The plugins has few options to customize the behavior.

  PageSize: 10
  DefaultVisibility: "PUBLIC"
  ConsumeEmptyMap: true
  • PageSize: The number of elements to display by page when you do /mapsaver list
  • DefaultVisibility: The visibility to use when you do /mapsaver save <name> without the visibility in parameter
  • ConsumeEmptyMap: Define if an empty_map must be consumed when you do /mapsaver import <name>
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