This package is 1 GB or larger.
This package only works on 32-bit (x86) operating systems.
This package uses the Agreements section, and is pending feature completion.
These issues are related to the bots assisting with automation
These issues require changes to the client.
This may require a change to the manifest
Related to the publishing pipeline
Related to the rebuild pipeline (BCDR)
Issues related to the manifest validation pipeline.
Validation pipeline passed. There may still be manual validation requirements.
An error was encountered during the Installers Scan pipeline step.
Manifest validation is blocked by a known issue.
Package includes driver software that needs to be manually installed.
Involves Desired State Configuration
The InstallerScan test has hit the initial timeout period.
The InstallerSHA256 Hash specified in the manifest doesn't match with the InstallerURL hash
The installer was not available to validate (HTTP Issue)
Specific hardware is required - See #199504
This is a good candidate work item from the community.
The PR removes the highest version of the package from the repository.
The PR removes the highest version of the package from the repository.