在这里也上传了一些项目了,嗯…但是只有被我固定(Pin)在主页的项目是处于维护状态的,如果你发现有什么问题,还请直接提 Issue 就好。 ( Only the projects that have been pinned to homepage is been maintained. If there are some problems, just open an issue. Thanks.)
,一个正在学习法术的法师,也在安卓和 macOS 上编写程序,凭兴趣开发且更新比较摆(欸嘿)喜欢在安静的地方思考发呆,梦想是为我们的法律事业做出贡献(应该是有机会的吧…嗯)。
Hi here! This is YuanShine
, an oridinary "freshman" law school student, and also a developer in Android and macOS and others. Tend to free my mind at "any time". Yeah, it is the time to work hard "For a Tomorrow Without Tears."
- 在某一年的秋天,因为一款风靡全球的方块放置与破坏游戏而开始接触到 Java 语言,再后来阴差阳错的开始写安卓软件,并在文档的鼓动之下接触了 Kotlin,尝到了 Java 上没有的甜头。(The time I started to learn Java is in a year's fall when I meet the game named Minecraft. Then I toke the jounery of writing Android apps and meet a new friend Kotlin.)
- 在2024年的春天,偶然间在 Mac 上踏上了一趟前往提瓦特大陆的旅程,随后在 Xcode 的大锤的吸引下接触了在语法上有相似处的 Swift。(The spring in 2024, I rose up into a 2D world displayed on the screen of my mba, and then I used Xcode to build TravellersBag with Swift.)
- PS. 多玩玩游戏其实是没坏处的哦~
- 继续拓宽旅者行囊的功能,或使用跨平台框架提供 Linux 环境的版本。(Extend the functions of TravellersBag, or make it cross-platform so you can use it on Linux.)
- 开发一个可以在安卓手机上开发 Minecraft 游戏 Add-ons 的程序。(An Android application allows you to develop Minecraft add-ons just on your phone.)
- 通过跨平台框架开发一个集成学习环境(说白了就算把日历、文件索引、知识点复习啥的整合在一起的软件)(A cross-platform application that integrates calendar, file-indexing, knowledge-reviewing and so on.)