- Create a database called "creativecruisers" in PHPmyadmin (alternatively, in .env change DB_DATABASE value to the name of the database in PHPmyadmin)
- Get "creativecruisers.sql" database from the same folder as this readme
- Import database
Start website:
- Open a terminal
- CD into creativecruisers (one file deeper than this readme)
- php artisan serve
If there is any issues these are some commands to try before php artisan serve:
- composer require laravel/ui
- php artisan ui bootstrap
- composer require hardevine/shoppingcart
Admin user account is: user - [email protected] password - 12345678
Photo at /public/images/pexels-artem-podrez-4816757.jpg https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-two-men-using-skateboard-4816757/
Photo at /public/images/pexels-cottonbro-studio-10118266.jpg https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-child-choosing-stickers-to-put-on-her-skateboard-10118266/
Photo at /public/images/pexels-aman-jakhar-1134162 https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-skateboard-on-ground-1134162/
Photo at /public/images/pexels-griffin-wooldridge-5224914 https://www.pexels.com/photo/skateboard-placed-near-wooden-fence-on-street-5224914/