Developed by @DoktorSAS
Special thanks to @KeyZHostHDCopy for the materials and the .iwi
- The script can only run on Server, It will not work in private games.
- Server must be hosted on Plutonium client, the script works only on Plutonium client.
Compile the mod with the zonetool
Copy the Compiled mod.ff file in your Directory %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\mods\YOURMODNAME (Exemple: ..\mods\mapvote, ..\mods\funserver)
Create the .iwd file with .iwi images in the images folder and put in in your Directory %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\mods\YOURMODNAME (Exemple: ..\mods\mapvote, ..\mods\funserver)
Copy the Content of the mapvote.cfg in your .cfg (Exemple: server.cfg, dedicated_mp.cfg, dedicated.cfg, etc ) file that manages the Server.
Edit the Dvars to setup the Server, many Dvars are only for Aesthetic Parameters.
- set the Dvar mv_maps to decide the maps that will be shown in mapvote, Example:
- set mv_maps "mp_favela mp_rust mp_terminal_cls mp_alpha mp_bootleg mp_bravo mp_carbon mp_dome mp_exchange mp_hardhat mp_interchange mp_lambeth mp_mogadishu mp_paris mp_plaza2 mp_radar mp_seatown mp_underground mp_village"
- set the dvar mv_enable to 1 if you want have it active on your server.
- If you want random gametypes you have to set the dvar mv_gametypefiles specifying the gametype .dsr file name. Exemple:
- set mv_gametypefiles "TDM_default@FFA_default@SD_default@GG_default"
- to specify the gamemode name you need also to the fine the gamemode name by editing the dvar mv_gametypenames
- set mv_gametypenames "Team Deathmatch@Free for all@Search & Destroy@Gungame"
mv_gametypefiles and mv_gametypenames must have the same number of @ symbols. The elements on mv_gametypefiles are linked to the element in mv_gametypenames
- set the Dvar mv_maps to decide the maps that will be shown in mapvote, Example:
Copy the mapvote.gsc and put it %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts\
Run the Server and have fun. Done!
- Create a new material file for the preview
- Add the preview iwi file in the mapvote.iwd
- Edit the case in the getmapname function in mapvote.gsc to add the conversion from mp_mapname to MAPNAME (Like mp_minecraft -> MINECRAFT)
- Rebuild the mod with zonetool
- Put the mod.ff and the mapvote.iwd in your mods/modfolder (Like mods/mapvote) in your %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\mods\