The goal of this application to make members want to go surf by providing them with the all the infomation they need to have a great surf session. The app easily shows the current surf and weather conditons. Events are displayed to make it easy for memebers to get information they need to attend upcoming events. The Surf Log allow memebers to keep a log of all their surf sessions to track their progression and review previous sessions when selecting a surf spot or board for their next session. Surf hacks are listed to help new members with common surf problems. The Newport Surf map helps members easily pick the best spot to go surfing while visiting the club house based on a variety of factors and conditions. The comminity forum helps memebers find other memebrs to surf with and also to interact memebers to build a sense of community.
- Surf Diary 📖
- Log Each Surf Session
- Review previous surf Sessions
- Track surf progression
- Events Page 🎊
- Upcoming Events
- Previous Events
- Calender View
- Live WX ⛅
- Water Temp
- Tempeture
- Wind
- Sky Conditions
- Popup/Overlay Widget
- Rental Infromation 🧾
- Equipment
- Prices / Hours
- About ❓
- General Club Info
- Club Staff
- Surf Resources 📖
- Surf Hacks
- Server/API
1) npm run buildServer
2) npm run startServer
- Client
1) npm run buildClient 2) npm run startClientServe
Home Page
Club Events
Surf Log
Rental Page
Surf Knowledge
About Page
- MongoDB (non-relational)
- User
- Events
- Surf Sessions
- Surf Hacks
- Surfboard Shapers
- MongoDB (non-relational)
- Server (Node 18.6.0)
- NPM Packages
- @apollo/server (4.7.4)
- @aws-sdk/credential-providers (3.369.0)
- @aws-sdk/hash-node (3.369.0)
- @aws-sdk/protocol-http (3.369.0)
- @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner (3.369.0)
- @aws-sdk/url-parser (3.369.0)
- @aws-sdk/util-format-url(3.369.0)
- aws-sdk (2.1414.0)
- bcrypt (5.1.0)
- body-parser (1.20.2)
- cors (2.8.5)
- dotenv (16.3.1)
- express (4.18.2)
- graphql (16.6.0)
- graphql-http (1.19.0)
- json (11.0.0)
- jsonwebtoken (9.0.0)
- mongodb (5.6.0)
- mongoose (7.3.0)
- node-fetch (2.6.11)
- react (18.2.0)
- NPM Packages
- Client (React 18.2.0)
- NPM Packages
- @apollo/client (3.7.15)
- @emotion/react (11.11.1)
- @emotion/styled (11.11.0)
- @mui/material (5.13.6)
- @mui/styled-engine-sc (5.12.0)
- @mui/x-date-pickers (6.9.1)
- @popperjs/core (2.11.8)
- bootstrap (5.3.0)
- dayjs (1.11.9)
- interweave (13.1.0)
- jquery (3.7.0)
- jwt-decode (3.1.2)
- react (18.2.0)
- react-bootstrap (2.7.4)
- react-dom (18.2.0)
- react-material-symbols (4.1.1)
- react-popper (2.3.0)
- react-pro-sidebar (1.1.0-alpha.1)
- react-router-dom (6.12.1)
- react-scripts (5.0.1)
- react-select-datepicker (2.1.2)
- react-spinners (0.13.8)
- react-switch (7.0.0)
- react-time-picker (6.2.0)
- styled-components (5.3.11)
- NPM Packages
- Host: Railway
- Database: Self Host via Docker
- MongoDB
- Version Control: GitHub
- Cloud Storeage: AWS
- S3 - US West 1