deployed and maintained by 88 ([email protected])
Herin lies the archives of the period activity starting 2021-01-01; these are directly related to the issues of astralship/snowdonia
This repository is inherently a sub-module of the previous archive and current general store of astralship/AstralShip.
It is the maintainer (88/John Bargman/[email protected])@DarthPJB 's intention that this be used to only store design files for active projects and general use.
Files that have attained a need of additional archiving may be moved to the astralship/AstralShip repository.
All files and data stored herin should contain only that personal data needed to identify an individual per their request.
These creations are under the MIT license or equivalent, unless sighted within the Documentation section, within the file itself;
they are free, as are you.