Capacitor plugin that allows camera interaction from Javascript and HTML (based on cordova-plugin-camera-preview)
Releases are being kept up to date when appropriate. However, this plugin is under constant development. As such it is recommended to use master to always have the latest fixes & features.
PR's are greatly appreciated. Maintainer(s) wanted.
yarn install capacitor-camera-preview
npm install capacitor-camera-preview
Starts the camera preview instance.
import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core"
const { CameraPreviewCapacitor } = Plugins
Remember to add the style below on your app's HTML or body element:
html, body, .ion-app, .ion-content {
background-color: transparent;
Stops the camera preview instance.
const result = await CameraPreviewCapacitor.capture();
const base64PictureData = result.value;
// do sometime with base64PictureData