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Freight Train aims to a simple docker linking tool configured with YAML
Its goal will be launch a full dev environnement with all its dependencies dockers out of the box (databases, dependant services, etc ...) providing developpers with decent mocking for developpement.
It is still heavily WIP and is mainly done for my own use but feel free to use it or contribute to it.
#My first .freight file
You have two ways to run the deamon, both needs Docker at least and one needs Java + Docker
Download the latest .deb build : http://cdn.deadlykungfu.ninja/freighttrain.deb
There you can run dpkg -i freightrain.deb
You can then go to a directory with a .freight file and simply run freighttrain
If you have docker you can run the freighttrain image in docker !
Just pull the latest version from docker hub (only dev branch available at the moment)
docker pull dkfn/freighttrain:dev
Go to your project directory containing the .freight file.
You then have to run this command to attach your project directory and the host docker socket to the freighttrain container.
docker run -v ${PWD}:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dkfn/freighttrain:dev
I strongly suggest you alias this command.
Here is an example of a starter dev environnement using a Nginx web server, a redis and a cassandra
Create and empty folder and a .freight text file containing this :
image: nginx
- [ 80, 80 ]
image: redis
- ./tests/import-keys.sh
image: cassandra
- ./tests/import-keys.sh
Launching freighttrain via docker or the binary
After your containers are all launched and accessible via the host machine just like you ran the freighttrain binary or spawned them by hand
listed by priority order
- Tests
- Provide envs for all containers
- Multiple networks
- Remap ports if used (disablable)
- Daemon option for freighttrain container
- Make a better demo app
- Provide utility commands
- Allow script name parameter for multiple configurations
Run in dev with example .freight file :
sbt run
Build binary for portable use
sbt dist
(Java compilation)
Debian binary (still needs java installed but its in .deb)
sbt debian:packageBin
All are exported in ./target directory