Telegram :gorgeous008
TRX : TSjwS7k78nG5Y4P1aAxob81qSup3Q5Qsu2
The WhatsApp lib
Yowsup is no longer updated. There is no WhatsApp library available, but many people need it. I will gradually open source the library I have used for a long time. This library is written in Java. Will include all features except registration. Because the registration part is not in the scope of this open source.
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev
You have two ways to log in
2) Use the emulator or mobile phone (root) to register the account, and then use the tool to extract the login configuration file.
DEMO relies on the QT5 build environment and uses the QT5.12 version. After installing Qt, open the Pro file directly to compile.
If you already have an account on your Android phone or emulator, you can simply extract the environment and log in.
3) Save the extracted configuration file to the computer (axolotl.db), you can change the file name arbitrarily;
Application will visit to check the version of whatsapp, please confirm whether your network can normal connection, try again or set agent.
To avoid version discrepancies, call the NoiseJni.CheckWhatsappVersion function once to check the version.
Gorgeous is licensed under the GPLv3+: