(Code Breakers Studio Discord Bot)
CBS_DiscordBot is a Python base discord bot build on discord library
pip install git+https://github.com/CodeBreakersStudio/CBS_DiscordBot.git
Use button Clone or download to download .zip file or clone git repository
git clone https://github.com/CodeBreakersStudio/CBS_DiscordBot.git
Extract .zip to place where you need it
Enter the CBS_DiscordBot project run cmd or bash in this directory and use this command:
python -m pip install -e .
that will install this library
Install python 3.7+ and when you install check checkbox to add python to your Path
Enter to this directory CBS_DiscordBot
You find example bot config file under ./example/conf
In conf you need to insert your bot token/tokens from Discord
import cbs_db as discord_bot
| .gitignore
| setup.py <- module setup
| run.py <- run file in python
| run.bat <- run file for windows
| run.sh <- run file for linux
| | bot.py <-example bot
| | conf <- configuration file of example bot
|-cbs_db <- src folder
| | __init__.py <- main bot instance
| | config.py <- pure config
| |-bot_class
| | | __init__.py <- bot builder class for new istances
| |-cogs <- cogs
| | |-musicbot
| | | | __init__.py <- musicbot main cog
| | |-util
| | | | __init__.py <- utilities
| | | ... <- other cogs in future
|-test <- unit test folder
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.