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Wisteria Dataviz

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Wisteria Dataviz is data visualization library based on wxWidgets. It includes features such as:

  • Numerous built-in graphs (refer to the Wisteria::Graphs namespace for a full list)
  • Interface for displaying tabular data
  • Built-in printing, copying, and exporting support
  • Data importing (Excel, CSV, tab-delimited, or user-defined delimited files) support
  • Data transformations, such as filtering, pivoting (both longer or wider), subsetting, and recoding
  • Data exporting (CSV, tab-delimited, or user-defined delimited files) support
  • Image support, including the ability to use images for plot and bar backgrounds, logos, and point markers
  • Image effects, such as oil-painting and Sepia tone
  • Effects for boxes and bars, including transparency, a watercolor look, a glassy look, stipple brushes, and color fades
  • Reference lines and areas
  • Pre-defined and extensible color schemes
  • Multi-plot support
    • Graphs can be embedded side-by-side on the same (scrollable) canvas
    • Includes support for setting a common axis for all graphs across a row or down a column

See more in the features overview.

General Workflow

  • Setup the library's settings (optionally) when your application starts
  • Construct a Wisteria::Canvas object (which is a wxScrolledWindow-derived window), and embed it into a wxFrame or wxDialog
  • Import data into a Wisteria::Data::Dataset (or build a dataset), specifying which columns to include and how to classify them
  • Construct a plot object (e.g., Wisteria::Graphs::LinePlot) and pass your dataset to it
  • Customize the plot, as needed
    • Change the colors and styles of the bars, lines, etc.
    • Change the plot background color, or use an image as the background
    • Add titles and captions
    • Adjust the axes, add tickmarks, add custom labels
    • etc.
  • Add the plot (and its legend [if applicable]) to the canvas

Graph Types

Some of the graphs included are:


Bar Chart (Wisteria::Graphs::BarChart) Line Plot (Wisteria::Graphs::LinePlot)
Pie Chart (Wisteria::Graphs::PieChart) Donut Chart (Wisteria::Graphs::PieChart)
Table (Wisteria::Graphs::Table)
Sankey Diagram (Wisteria::Graphs::SankeyDiagram)
Word Cloud (Wisteria::Graphs::WordCloud)


Gantt Chart (Wisteria::Graphs::GanttChart)
Candlestick Plot (Wisteria::Graphs::CandlestickPlot)


Histogram (Wisteria::Graphs::Histogram) Box Plot (Wisteria::Graphs::BoxPlot)
Discrete Heat Map (Wisteria::Graphs::HeatMap) Grouped Discrete Heat Map (Wisteria::Graphs::HeatMap)

Survey Data

3-Point Likert Chart (Wisteria::Graphs::LikertChart)
Pro & Con Roadmap (Wisteria::Graphs::ProConRoadmap)

Social Sciences

W-Curve Plot (Wisteria::Graphs::WCurvePlot)
Linear Regression Roadmap (Wisteria::Graphs::LRRoadmap)

See more in the graphs gallery.

Release Notes

Release information is available here.


First, download Wisteria:

git clone --recurse-submodules


Get and build wxWidgets 3.3 or higher at the same folder level as this project:

  • Open Visual Studio and select Clone a Repository
  • Once the wxWidgets folder is cloned and opened in Visual Studio:
    • Open Project > CMake Settings for wxWidgets
      • Uncheck wxBUILD_SHARED
      • Save your changes
    • Select Build > Install wxWidgets (builds and then copies the header, lib, and cmake files to the prefix folder)

Next, open the Wisteria folder in Visual Studio and build the project.


Install the following from your repository manager (or build from source):

  • GTK3 development files (version 3.3 or higher)
  • Threading Building Blocks (libtbb) and its development files

Get and build wxWidgets 3.3 or higher at the same folder level as this project:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cmake --build . --target install -j4

Go into the project folder and run the following to build the library and demo:

cmake .
cmake --build . -j 4

If using KDevelop or VS Code, you can also open the CMake file and build from there.


Install the following using brew (or build from source):

  • Threading Building Blocks (tbb)
  • OpenMP (libomp)
  • Doxygen

Get and build wxWidgets 3.3 or higher at the same folder level as this project:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cmake --build . --target install -j4

Go into the project folder and run the following to build the library and demo:

cmake .
cmake --build . -j 4


To build the API documentation, open "docs/doxygen/Doxyfile" in Doxygen and run it.


  • wxWidgets 3.3 or higher
  • GTK 3 (Linux)
  • Threading Building Blocks: libtbb (Linux)
  • A C++20 compatible compiler
  • OpenMP (optional)