We greatly improved the development of the badman.
You now only need docker installed.
- copy
- And fill in the values
run: npm install
run: npm run dev:up
- run:
npm start
for the client - run:
npm start api
for the api
- run the migration and seeding
npx --yes sequelize-cli db:migrate && npx --yes sequelize-cli db:seed:all
- open: http://localhost:3000/player/admin
- login with your badman credentials
- Claim the admin account
Badman should be availible @ http://localhost:3000
Add the following to your launch.json
"name": "Server",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"port": 9229,
"address": "localhost",
"localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/code",
"remoteRoot": "/usr/src",
"restart": true
for debugging the workers use following ports:
- worker-sync: 9230
- worker-ranking: 9231
npx pwa-asset-generator "./apps/badman/src/assets/logo.svg" "./apps/badman/src/assets/icons" -i "./apps/badman/src/index.html" -m "./apps/badman/src/manifest.json" --dark-mode --opaque false --background "#303030"
npx pwa-asset-generator "./apps/badman/src/assets/logo.svg" "./apps/badman/src/assets/icons" -i "./apps/badman/src/index.html" -m "./apps/badman/src/manifest.json" --icon-only --favicon --dark-mode --opaque false --background "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
npx pwa-asset-generator "./apps/badman/src/assets/logo.svg" "./apps/badman/src/assets/icons" -i "./apps/badman/src/index.html" -m "./apps/badman/src/manifest.json" --icon-only --dark-mode --opaque false --background "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
hey -n 256 -c 8 -z 30s http://localhost:5001/api/v1/ > results.txt
NX_MIGRATE_USE_LOCAL=true nx migrate latest
npm i
NX_MIGRATE_USE_LOCAL=true nx migrate --run-migrations
- download
file - go into psql
\i path_to_sql_file
COPY (select * from "ranking"."RankingSystems" where "id" = '7c5cb68a-a0bf-4728-95fe-94191c5ee32a') TO '/home/backup/rankingSystems_v7.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;
- Import / Export data > select the file
docker build -t badman . -f apps/api/Dockerfile
docker run badman --env-file .env -p 5001:5001
- Rename club: plumpjes ternat -> Carpe Pluma Ternat
- Rename club: psv Brugge -> Koninklijke Badmintonclub PSV Brugge
- Rename club: De valkaart -> DE VALKAART BC
- Rename club: Hamse BC (L) -> Hamse BC (L)
- Rename club: Very Bad'Lobbes -> Lob'Bad
- create new club: Badminton Club Moorsel
- create new club: Asbl Les Rollingchairs
- create new club: The power to smash
- create new club: Shuttle Badminton
- create new club: Badmintonclub Aalter
- create new club: Fun Team Leuven
- remove memberships:
DELETE FROM "ClubPlayerMemberships"
"playerId" IN (
AND "end" = NULL