Releases: AthleteX-DAO/ax_dapp
Release v2.4.5
chore: removed modal progress hud from login and signup views
refactor: moved account view to the account folder
fix: warning toast shows if there is any error with login or signup (#907)
fix: horizontal scrolling on assets filler for smaller screen sizes
refactor: wrapped account assets with LayoutBuilder
refactor: account assets to stateless widget
refactor: used layout builder for account views
fix: account listview layout
fix: accout buy and sell kado view layout
chore: add override annotation on web implementation method updateChain
fix: prevents user from viewing account details when trying to connect via MetaMask even though MetaMask is not installed in the browser
chore: wrote tests for debouncer
fix: added a netural trend icon and color if the percentage is neither positive or negative
chore: limit range test
refactor: moved extensions from wallet_chain into the utils
refactor: localized chain error for filter menu error
fix: widgets not showing up on top nav bar for mobile devices
fix: used our version of ERC20 for the account repository
feat: removed outdated farms
chore: useMaterial3 flag set in ThemeData in EntryApp
What's Changed
- Update by @user2745 in #898
- Delete lib/account/account.dart by @rbharath99 in #901
- feat: account token view by @rbharath99 in #902
- AX-1277-replace-metamask-dependency-on-the-d-app-preparing-for-mobile by @user2745 in #903
- feat: account withdraw confirmation with recipent address by @rbharath99 in #904
- feat: update release version by @user2745 in #905
- release 2.3.1 by @user2745 in #906
- fix: warning toast shows if there is any error with login or signup by @rbharath99 in #907
- Feature: Remove empty & outdated farms by @user2745 in #908
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0
Release 2.3.0
chore: small updates before the big stuff
refactor: moved account to view folder
fix: removed unnecessary file
chore: added wallet assets enum
feat: completed wallet account page with assets
feat: basic implementation of widget
fix: removed unused/broken deps
feat: select your wallet assets
chore: added athlete performance tokens
chore: setup basic wallet assets list
refactor: setup basic assets card
chore: added newly created widgets
chore: abstracted out account view
refcator: split up wallet details view
chore: added new widgets
chore: added new widgets
chore: cleaned up imports
refactor: renamed files for ease of understanding
refactor: separated account stuff into its folder
chore: removed unneeded file
refactor: proper naming
feat: added all account page views
chore: added layout builders
chore: added account bloc provider
fix: updated naming
fix: minor tweask
feat (WIP): kado money
feat: functional kado money
feat(WIP): deposit & withdraw view
chore: styling the kado widget
fix: replaced dart:html with universal_html as this package can be used for android and ios
fix: disconnect and wallet balance fields are spaced evenly
chore: linter fixes on wallet assets list
style: changed the drawer color to black
refactor: usdBalance refactored to two lines
chore: WIP account deposit view
chore: WIP account withdraw view
feat: view token img & ticker
chore: modify name
refactor: updates to naming
chore: renamed max input use case file to total token balance use case
chore: made image spacing smaller
feat: completed buy-sell view
chore: starting to show balances for the account
feat: basic setup of account view
deps: added qr flutter
feat: completed deposit view
chore: styling token assets balance
fix: show balances for tokens when switching chains
fix: show usdc balance when connecting wallet (The balance next to the disconnect button)
chore: removed unused imports
chore: removed comments
style: small comment
chore: loading chain wallet
fix: re-added switch chain requested to bloc
feat: added token container
chore: minor styling
chore: changed color
feat: added switch token event
chore: bug fix attempt
refactor: 'walletassets' with 'accountassets'
feat: account filters to right asset
fix: emits new chain when chain is switched
chore: dropdown shows token information. Balance shown. Bug: switching chains cause error when loading the new tokens in the dropdown
fix: unnecessary text name
chore: Approve WIthdraw Button
chore: recipent address input
fix: now able to see token balance when selecting token and when switching chains
Co-authored-by: Ryan Bharath [email protected]
What's Changed
- Release/1.11.0 by @rbharath99 in #825
- Main by @rbharath99 in #826
- athlete page (histories) working by @alexblackwell1 in #852
- Revert "athlete page (histories) working" by @alexblackwell1 in #853
- Fix/ax 1210 nfl ipfs 2 by @alexblackwell1 in #869
- Create fleek.yml by @user2745 in #872
- Feat/ax 1064 gamification by @rbharath99 in #874
- Fix/app routing athletex dapp by @rbharath99 in #876
- Fix/app routing athletex dapp by @rbharath99 in #877
- Refactor/edit league dialog by @rbharath99 in #878
- Delete prices.dart by @rbharath99 in #879
- chore: wrote tests for user input norm to verify calculations by @rbharath99 in #880
- fix: user is now able to remove liquidity at 100% by @rbharath99 in #881
- Ax predict snapshot by @rbharath99 in #883
- fix(analyzer): updated dependency by @user2745 in #885
- Ax 1261 frontend 3 step onboarding process by @user2745 in #886
- 2.0.1 Pre-release: Ax 1265 frontend list new markets (incomplete) by @user2745 in #887
- fix: highlighting + navigation error by @user2745 in #888
- AX-1266-create-account-view by @user2745 in #890
- fix: muted athlete markets by @user2745 in #891
- fix: removed outdated APTs by @user2745 in #892
- fix: muted sports betting markets by @user2745 in #893
- feat: created crypto markets option by @user2745 in #894
- refactor: athlete markets widgets by @rbharath99 in #895
- fix: change background color of the drawer to closely match the backg… by @rbharath99 in #896
- AX-1274-fiat-onboarding-through-kado by @user2745 in #897
- Release Version 2.3.0 by @user2745 in #899
- Merge pull request #899 from AthleteX-DAO/release/2.3.0 by @user2745 in #900
Full Changelog: v1.11...v2.3.0
Release 1.11.0
Release 1.7.0
Release notes - AthleteX Product Development - 1.7.0
AX-65 [Spike] - Gamification
AX-1060 Fix the GitHub Work Flows.
AX-66 [Spike] - Fiat Gateway
AX-1051 [Documentation] - Document the process of cutting a release
AX-1061 [Spike] AI Onboarding Chatbot
AX-1052 [Remove Liquidity Page] - cancel button on mobile is not responsive
Release 1.6.0
Release notes - AthleteX Product Development - 1.6.0
AX-998 [Mobile] - Athlete Page - Fix overflow issues on the dialogs
AX-626 [iPad / Mobile] - Scout - User can see overlapping data using mobile and iPad
AX-847 Incorrect calculation of share of pool
AX-885 [Pool]: Calculation is not working in "Add Liquidity" USDC coins
AX-1038 Add Tiktok and Instagram icons to footer
AX-1040 [Wallet] - Implement proper implementation for responsiveness on wallet views
AX-1041 [Confirmation Dialogs] - Unify all confirmation dialogs into one
AX-1045 Fix font on apple devices
AX-1046 Fix 404 errors when refreshing the page in production
Release 1.5.0
Release notes - AthleteX Product Development - [1.5.0] Tommy John
AX-655 [Mobile] Farm - For better UX add menu background so the page content not overflow with the menu icons
AX-974 [Mobile] - Scout - Implement proper implementation for responsiveness on the scout page
AX-975 [Mobile] - Scout - Responsive dialogs on the scout page
AX-976 Scout Page - Refactor Widgets
AX-980 [Mobile] - Farm Page - Implement proper practices to make farm page responsive
AX-981 [Mobile] - Farm Page - Responsive Dialogs
AX-982 Farm Page - Refactor Widgets
AX-997 [Mobile] - Athlete Page - Implement proper implementation for responsiveness on the athlete page
AX-999 Athlete Page - Refactor Widgets
AX-708 For better UX don't disconnect the wallet if user reload the page
AX-650 When user reload the page its staring from the Landing page of the app which is not good for better UX
AX-721 [AthletePage] Fix overflow issues on athlete details and seasonal apt widget
AX-723 [Mobile] Scout - Key Statistics and current seasons value overlapping in mobile and its hard to read
AX-795 [Mobile] - Pool - AX balance overflowing field if user taps on max
Release 1.4.0
Release notes - AthleteX Product Development - 1.4.0
AX-1030 Add NBA category to Scout page
AX-1033 Add USD values for events such as buy sell swap redeem and mint.
AX-1034 Create a PageView event that's triggered when user hit landing page.
AX-977 [Mobile] - Pool Page - Implement proper implementation for responsiveness
AX-978 [Mobile] - Pool Page - Responsive dialogs for the pool page
AX-979 Pool Page - Refactor Widgets
AX-990 [Protocol] Deploy APTs to Goerli Network
AX-1022 [Protocol] Create Onboarding Wiki
AX-636 [Mobile] - Wallet data is overflowing the container in mobile
AX-711 [Mobile] Farm - Long farm names touching Stake button
AX-726 [Mobile] Connect Wallet - "Install Metamask extension" text overflowing button border
AX-769 [Mobile] "Instal Metamask extension" button is out of scope and not displayed correctly
AX-794 [Mobile] - Wallet - Text too close to popup border
AX-805 [Mobile] Pool - My Liquidity page UI looks broken in Mobile
AX-812 [Mobile] Pool - Add padding between screen and container border on My Liquidity page
AX-875 [Mobile] Farm - Sport Type overflowing the border in Mobile for long Athlete names
AX-879 [High] Pool - User can't create an LP with MATIC, Confirm button in MM stays disable
AX-890 [Marketing Site] Blog - User being redirected to old blog when they reload page
AX-965 [Mobile] Pool - "Wallet not connected" button overflowing the container in Mobile
AX-984 [Mobile] - Compress image assets for better performance
AX-1021 [Protocol] Replace Matic Testnet on UI with Goerli Test Network
Release 1.3.1
Release notes - AthleteX Product Development - Version 1.3.0
AX-815 [Mobile] Show Numerical keypad when user tap on any field throughout the app for better UX
AX-768 [Mobile] Scout - Switching between "Long" and "Short" buttons not working on mobile and out of scope
AX-767 [Mobile] - Scout Details - Button text overflowing border
AX-766 [Mobile] - Wallet ID overflowing border and overlapping with "..." button in Mobile
AX-635 [Mobile] Pool - My Liquidity - Please connect your wallet text too close to the border
AX-631 [Mobile] Farm - Search placeholder should appear at the center of the search field
AX-628 [Mobile] Pool - "Add Liquidity" Container not center aligned with the page
AX-972 [Mobile] - Trade Page - responsive dialogs on trade page
AX-971 [Mobile] - Trade Page - Implement proper practices for responsiveness on mobile
AX-438 Add Vote button on the frontend link to snapshot
AX-427 [Farm page] search bar fix text being cut off on mobile
Release 1.2.0
Release notes - AthleteX Product Development - Version 1.2.0
AX-983 [High] Pool - User can see greyed out cards in My Liquidity when they switch to SX network
AX-964 User getting wallet connect success popup even if user dont have MM installed in browser
AX-960 Replace SX Testnet with Kovan Testnet
AX-946 On the SX network, the "+Add to wallet" button does not add a coin to the metamask wallet
AX-836 Connect to Wallet - Metamask icon appearing in low resolution
AX-830 [Farm] - Long Athlete name touching "Stake" button
AX-710 [Mobile] Farms - "Farm" text missing from "Participating Farms" text beside the search box in Mobile
AX-707 [Scout] - User getting "Athletes not supported Yet" error if they try to access MLB while page is loading
AX-685 [High] - [Mobile] - AX not deducting instantly form the wallet after user buy / swap / Sell them need to improve the performance
AX-472 Get status of the transaction using the transaction hash
AX-995 [Spike] Research Venly and the native wallet integration
AX-526 [Tech Debt] - Create and Implement Known Error Types
AX-459 [Redeem Dialog] Implement Bloc Pattern for Redeem Feature
AX-458 [Mint Dialog] | Refactor mint dialog with Bloc Pattern