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Code Editor Setup

Frank Matranga edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 7 revisions

Now that node is installed, its time to get a code editor. LATE development works best with Microsoft's Visual Studio Code (not Visual Studio), as it's the easiest to get up and running and provides all the tools and plugins you'll probably ever need for development. Plus, there are config files in the repo specifically for VSCode to set it up ideally for working on LATE.

a. Installation

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) can be installed from the official site.

If you are using WSL then follow these instructions to setup VSCode to work with Linux. You will want to install all the below extensions on WSL and not local.

b. Extensions

In order for VSCode to work well with the types of files LATE uses, we need to install a few extensions. There are also some recommended ones that just make the coding experience easier as well. VSC will also recommend you to install these extensions if you haven't already.

Navigate to the Extensions (Ctrl+Shift+X) panel on the sidebar. Next to the names of the packages below the package-ids are given. Search for the extensions by name or and ensure its the right package ID before installing.

VSCode screenshot

Required Plugins:

  • ESLint dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
  • Vetur octref.vetur
  • Live Share ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare

Recommended Plugns

  • Bracket Pair Colorizer coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer
  • GitLens eamodio.gitlens

c. Integrated Terminal

VSCode comes with an integrated terminal (Ctrl + `) that makes running commands without leaving the editor super easy! You can also manage multiple terminals and split them. Use this to run $ npm run frontend on one side and $ npm run backend on the other!


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