An interactive platform based around chatting with others /drawing . By trying to guess the word for every correct guess users will get rewards and winner is the one with most guesses
fullstack application made with Ruby on Rails as API and Reactjs as front-end. The application features full client-side authentication using JWT and localStorage.utilizing the rails built-In websocket(Action Cable) Architecture to create Live Interaction between diffrent client with onTime response enabling simultaneous and bidirectional communication, allowing both client and server to send messages at any time through the channel.The application consists of two repositories (frontend and backend), both of which get hosted on Heroku shortly so stay tuned...
- webSocket
- actionCable
- Ruby On Rails
- ReactJs
- Redis
bundle install
rails s -p 3001
This project was fully designed by myself, feel free to reach out to me via [email protected] if you have any questions .