Re-implementation of "SenticNet 5: Discovering Conceptual Primitives for Sentiment Analysis by Means of Context Embeddings" in tensorflow for verb substitution and clustering.
Algorithm for context and target word (verb) embedding generation:
To train the conceptual primitives model, please run:
$ python3 --gpu_idx 0 1 \ # number of GPUs used for training and their indices
--mode train \ # training model or infer
--resume_training false \ # if true, will resume previous trained parameters
--neg_sample 10 \ # number of negative samples
--word_dim 300 \ # input pre-trained / randomly initialized word embedding dimension
--num_units 300 \ # number of units for rnn cell and hidden layer of feed-forward network
--k 100 \ # number of units for output layer
--use_ntn false \ # if use neural tensor network to fuse left and right contexts, otherwise just simply concatenate them
--tune_emb false \ # whether the input word embedding are tunable while training
--lr 0.0001 \ # learning rate
--decay_step 10000 \ # learning rate decay step
--decay_rate 0.9994 \ # decay rate
--batch_size 1000 \ # batch size
--epochs 30 \ # total training epochs
--ckpt ckpt/ \ # checkpoint path to save model
--max_to_keep 3 \ # maximal checkpoints can be saved
--model_name conceptual_primitives \ # model name
--save_step 10000 \ # save models per steps
--print_step 1000 \ # show sample test result per steps
--ukwac_path <raw ukwac dataset path> \ # raw ukwac dataset path
--glove_path <pre-trained glove embedding path> \ # pre-trained glove word embedding path
--save_path <processed data save path> \ # path for saving processed dataset
--word_threshold 90 \ # word threshold, minimal occurrence of words to be kept
--word_lowercase true # whether lowercase the text
An example for inferring, giving a sentence "When idle, Dave enjoys eating cake with his sister." and a target verb "eating", and the model will return the top N substitutes.
$ python3 --gpu_idx 0 1 --mode infer --use_ntn false
restored model from conceptual_primitives-1000000, done...
Top 10 canidates:
['nibbling', 'drinking', 'munching', 'snacking', 'feeding', 'gorging', 'tasting', 'swallowing', 'chewing', 'feasting']
- SenticNet 5: Discovering Conceptual Primitives for Sentiment Analysis by Means of Context Embeddings.
- The WaCky Wide Web: A Collection of Very Large Linguistically Processed Web-Crawled Corpora.
- ukWaC dataset: a 2 billion word corpus constructed from the Web limiting the crawl to the .uk domain and using medium-frequency words from the BNC as seeds. The corpus was POS-tagged and lemmatized with the TreeTagger.
- ukWaC TagSet: explanation of POS tag meaning used in UKWAC dataset.
- jungokasai/skipgram: refer the negative sampling and loss function design.