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This repository aims to capture the works done in 5-day workshop of Adavance Physical Design using OpenLANE/SkyWater130. The workshop helps to familiarise with the efabless OpenLANE VLSI design flow RTL2GDS and the Skywater 130nm PDK.


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Advance Physical Design using OpenLANE and SkyWater 130nm PDK


This repository aims to capture the works done in 5-day workshop of Adavance Physical Design using OpenLANE/SkyWater130. The workshop helps to familiarise with the efabless OpenLANE VLSI design flow RTL2GDS and the Skywater 130nm PDK. OpenLANE is an open source VLSI flow built around open source tools with the goal to produce clean GDSII with no human intervention("no human in the loop"). PicoRV32 is a CPU core that implements the RISC-V RV32IMC Instruction Set which is used as an example in this course.

1. Course Content

  • Day 1

    • Introduction to IC Design components and terminologies

    • Software application to hardware execution

    • RTL2GDS OpenLANE ASIC Flow

    • Open source EDA tools familiarisation

  • Day 2

    • Chip floorplanning

    • Placement

    • Standard cell design

    • Standard cell characterization

  • Day 3

    • 16 Mask CMOS fabrication process

    • Design and characterize library cell CMOS inverter

  • Day 4

    • Introduction and generation of LEF files using magic tool

    • Custom cells in openLANE

    • Fixing slack violations

    • CTS

  • Day 5

    • Power distribution network

    • Routing

    • SPEF extraction

    • GDSII

2. Day 1

2.1. Introduction to IC Design components and terminologies


A core is an area in the chip where the fundamental logic of the design is placed. It encapsulates all the combinational circuit, soft and hard IPs, and nets.


Die is an area of chip that encapsulates the core and IO pads. Die is imprinted multiple times along the silicon area or wafer to increase the throughput.

IO Pads

IO pads are the pins that act as the source of communication between core and the outside world. Pad cells surround the rectangular metal patches where external bonds are made. input,output and power pad.

ic components

Foundary IPs are manually designed or need some human interference (or intelligence) essentially to define and create them like SRAM, ADC, DAC, PLLs.


PDKs are interface between foundary and design engineers. PDKs contains set of files to model fabrication process for the design tools used to design IC like device models, DRC, LVS, Physical extraction, layers, LEF, standard cell libraries, timing libraries etc. SkyWater 130nm is the PDK used in this workshop specifically sky130_fd_sc_hd and openLANE is built around this PDK.

2.2. Software application to hardware execution

Applications and softwares running on like PCs and laptops are implemented in languages like C, C++, Python, Java, .NET etc.These applications needs to be converted to bitstream using the compiler and assembler which is understandable the core. Compilers are used for this purpose which generates bitstream based on Instruction set architecture of the native processor. The core is implemented using HDL.


OpenLANE is an automated RTL to GDSII flow. It is based on several open source components including OpenROAD, Yosys, Magic, Netgen, Fault, OpenPhySyn, CVC, SPEF-Extractor, CU-GR, Klayout and custom methodology scripts for design exploration and optimization.

design flow

OpenLANE is run as an container inside docker. For OpenLANE setup refer : OpenLANE

OpenLANE integrated several key open source tools over the execution stages:

RTL Synthesis, Technology Mapping, and Formal Verification

yosys + abc

Static Timing Analysis


Floor Planning

init_fp, ioPlacer, pdn and tapcell Placement: RePLace (Global), Resizer and OpenPhySyn (Optimizations), and OpenDP (Detailed)

Clock Tree Synthesis


Fill Insertion



FastRoute or CU-GR (Global) and TritonRoute (Detailed)

SPEF Extraction


GDSII Streaming out

Magic and Klayout

DRC Checks

Magic and Klayout

LVS checks


Antenna Checks


Circuit Validity Checker


The main commands used in openLANE design flow in interactive mode are:

prep -design <design> -tag <tag> -config <config> -init_design_config -overwrite similar to the command line arguments, design is required and the rest is optional
write_powered_verilog followed by set_netlist $::env(lvs_result_file_tag).powered.v

2.4. Open source EDA tools familiarisation

Command to run openlane, needs to executed from directory where openlane is installed:

akshaym@openlane-workshop-03:~/Desktop/work/tools/openlane_working_dir/openlane$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/openLANE_flow -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) efabless/openlane:v0.21

To run in interactive mode (step by step mode)

bash-4.2$ ./flow.tcl -interactive
interactive mode
Package import and check

To import and check whether required openLANE package is installed

% package require openlane
package openlane
Prepare design

To prepare and setup the design

% prep -design picorv32a
prep design

Preparation step basically sets up the directory structure, merges the technology LEF (.tlef) and cell LEF(.lef) into one. Tech LEF contains the layer informations and cell LEF contains the cell informations. All the designs are placed under the designs directory for openLANE flow. Directory structure of picrorv32a before and after executing prep command.

picorv32a directory
prep design directory structure

contains verilog files and constraints file


contains the configurations used by openLANE

There are three configuration files:

  • Each phase used in the process flow has a configuration tcl file under openlane_working_dir/openlane/configuration/<phase_name>.tcl

  • Each design will have its own config.tcl file

  • Each design will have its own pdk specific tcl file, sky130A_sky130_fd_sc_hd_config.tcl which has the highest precedence.

design config

OpenLANE tools configuration files:

openLANE config
Synthesis design

To synthesize the design

% run_synthesis

Performs RTL synthesis


Performs technology mapping


Performs static timing analysis on the resulting netlist to generate timing reports

syn design1
syn design2

Synthesis logs and report will be captured under runs directory.

syn design3

All the configuration parameters related to synthesis phase are available in


3. Day 2

3.1. Chip floorplanning

In floorplanning phase deals with setting die area, core area, core utilization factor, aspect ratio, placing of macros, power distribution networks and placement of IO pins.

Aspect Ratio

Specifies the shape of the chip, given by ratio of height to width of the core area. Aspect ratio of 1 indicates square shape else rectangle.

Utilization Factor

Specifies the amount of area taken by the netlist, given by ratio of area of netlist to area of the core. For placement optimization and realizable routing utilization factor is kept to 0.5 to 0.7 range.

Preplaced cells

Preplaced cells have fixed location on the chip and cannot be moved around in placement phase. The placement of these macros are considered while deciding the placement of standard cells by floor planning tools.Macros can be used several times in a design. Typical examples of macros are memory blocks, clock gating cells, comparators etc.

Decoupling capacitors

Decaps are used with preplaced cells to compensate the voltage drop along the long wires and nets which affects the noise margin. Decaps are charged to the supply voltage and used as the supply source for the logic level transitions LOW to HIGH. It decouples the circuit from main supply.

Power planning

Power planning means to provide power to the every macros, standard cells, and all other cells are present in the design.Power planning is a step which typically is done with floor planning in which power grid network is created to distribute power to each part of the design equally to mitigate voltage droop and ground bounce issues. In openLANE flow, PDN is done before routing phase.

Pin placement

Pins placement also done in floor planning phase and logical cell placement blockage is added to prevent PnR tools from adding cells in this region.

Floor planning

To run floorplanning phase

% run_floorplan
floor plan 1
floor plan 2

Floor planning phase generate DEF file which contains core area and placement details of standard cells.


Defines the core area for the macro as well as the rows (used for placement) and the tracks (used for routing)


Places the macro input and output ports


Generates the power distribution network


Inserts welltap and decap cells in the floorplan

floor plan 4
floor plan 3

DEF file generated by floorplan phase can be utilized by magic tool to get the floorplan view which requires 3 configuration files:

  • Magic technology file (

  • DEF file from floorplan phase

  • Merged LEF file from preparation phase

akshaym@openlane-workshop-03:~/Desktop/work/tools/openlane_working_dir/openlane/designs/picorv32a/runs/30-06_16-01/results/floorplan$ magic -T $PDK/sky130A/ lef read ../../tmp/merged.lef def read picorv32a.floorplan.def &
floor plan 5
floor plan 6
floor plan 7

All the configuration parameters related to floorplanning phase are available in


3.2. Placement

Placement determine the locations of standard cells or logic elements within each block.Some circuit elements may have fixed locations while others are movable.

Global placement

Global placement assigns general locations to movable objects. Some overlaps are allowed between placed objects.

Detailed placement

Detailed placement refines object locations to legal cell sites and enforces non-overlapping constraints. Detailed placement determines the achievable quality of the subsequent routing stages.


Performs global placement


Performs optional optimizations on the design


Performs timing optimizations on the design


Performs detailed placement to legalize the globally placed components

To run placement phase

% run_placement
placement 1

DEF file generated by placement phase can be utilized by magic tool to get the placement view which requires 3 configuration files:

  • Magic technology file (

  • DEF file from placement phase

  • Merged LEF file from preparation phase

placement 3
placement 2

All the configuration parameters related to placement phase are available in


3.3. Standard cell design

Standard cell design flow consists of 3 stages


PDKs, DRC and LVS rules, SPICE models, library & user-defined specs.

Design Steps

Involves circuit design, layout design, characterization using GUNA tool. Characterization involves timing, power and noise characterizations.


CDL (Circuit Description Language), GDSII, LEF(Library Exchange Format), Spice extracted netlist, timing, noise, power libs.

3.4. Standard cell characterization

Standard cell characterization refers to gathering data about the behaviour of standard cells. To build the circuit knowledge of logic function of cell alone is not sufficient. Standard cell library has cells with different drive strength and functionalities.These cells are characterized by using tool like GUNA from Paripath.

The standard cell characterization flow involves

  • Read the model files

  • Read the extracted spice netlist

  • Recognize function or behaviour of the cell

  • Apply stimulus and characterization setup

  • Vary the output load capacitance and observe the different characterization behaviours

  • Provide necessary simulation commands

Apply the entire flow to GUNA tool to generate timing, noise and power models.

4. Day 3

Build basic CMOS inverter netlist spice deck file using ngspice and perform dc and transient analysis. Understanding basic terminologies of CMOS inverter like static and dynamic characteristics.

Static characteristics

Switching threshold, Vil, Vol, Vil, Voh and noise margins.

Dyanamic characteristics

Propagation delays, rise time and fall time.

Simulation steps on ngspice
  • Source the spice deck file by source *.cir

  • Run the file by run

  • View the available plots mentioned in spice deck file by setplot and select desired plot by entering in the window

  • See the nodes available for plotting by dispplay

  • Obtain output waveform by plot out vs in for VTC or plot out vs time, out and in are considered as the nodes.

4.1. Design and characterize library cell CMOS inverter

Magic layout view to cmos inverter

To get the cell files refer standard cell characterization

akshaym@openlane-workshop-03:~/Desktop/work/tools/openlane_working_dir/openlane/vsdstdcelldesign$ magic -T $PDK_ROOT/sky130A/ sky130_inv.mag &
cmos inverter magic layout view
cmos inverter magic layout view 1

To extract the parasitics and characterize the cell design use below commands in tkcon window.

extract all
ext2spice cthresh 0 rthresh 0
spice extraction
spice extraction 1

Extracted spice deck file from the layout

spice deck

Few modifications needs to be done in spice deck file

  • Scale needs to be aligned with the layout grid size and check the model name from pshort.lib and nshort.lib

  • Specify power supply

  • Apply stimulus

  • Perform transient analysis

magic tool grid size
modifiled spice deck

To run the simulation in ngspice, invoke the ngspice tool with the modified extracted spice file as input

akshaym@openlane-workshop-03:~/Desktop/work/tools/openlane_working_dir/openlane/vsdstdcelldesign$ ngspice sky130_inv.spice
ngspice output

To plot transient analysis output, where y - output node and a - input node

plot y vs time a
ngspice transient output

5. Day 4

5.1. Introduction and generation of LEF files using magic tool

The entire layout information of the block(macro or standard cell) is not required for the PnR tool to place and route.It requires the PR boundary(bounding box) and pin positions.These minimal and abstract information of the block is provided to PnR tool by the LEF(Library Exchange Format) file. LEF exposes only the necessary things need for the PnR tool and protecting the logic or intellectual property.

Cell LEF

Abstract view of the cell which holds information about PR boundary, pin positions and metal layer information.

Technology LEF

Holds information about the metal layers, via, DRC technology used by placer and router.

Below image gives idea regarding difference between layout and LEF.

layout vs abstract

Tracks are used in routing stages. Routes are metal traces which can go over the tracks. The information of horizontal and vertical tracks present in each layer is given in file.

tracks info

Horizontal track in li1 layer has an offset of 0.23um and pitch of 0.46um. Vertical track in li1 layer has an offset of 0.17um and pitch of 0.34um.

Pin placement

To ensure the standard cell layout is done as per the requirement of PnR tool

  • ports must lie on the intersection of horizontal and vertical tracks. Ensure that in magic tool by aligning grid dimension with the track file.

  • cell width must be odd multiples of x pitch. Ensure that by counting the number of grid boxes along cell width.

  • cell height must be odd multiples of y pitch. Ensure that by counting the number of grid boxes along cell height.

grid allign track

The ports lie on the intersection of horizontal and vertical tracks ensure that route can reach the port from x as wells y direction. Ports are in li1(locali)layer.

grid allign track1

When extracting LEF file, these ports are what are defined as pins of the macro. These are done in magic tool by adding text with enabling port.

lef port

A and Y is attached to locali layer and Vdd and Gnd attached to metal1 layer. To set port class and port attribute refer standard cell characterization

To extact LEF file

lef write
lef extract
lef extract1
lef extract2
lef extract3

5.2. Custom cells in openLANE

To include the custom inverter cell into the openLANE flow

  • Copy the extracted LEF file from layout into designs\picorv32a\src directory along with sky130_fd_sc_hd_slow/fast/typical.lib from the reference repository.

openlan flow custom cell

Custom cell inverter characterization information is included in above mentioned libs.

lib with custom cell characterization
  • modify design\picorv32a\config.tcl

modified config tcl

Now perform openLANE design flow

% package require openLANE 0.9
% prep -design picorv32a -tag 03-07_16-04 -overwrite
% set lefs [glob $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/src/*.lef]
% add_lefs -src $lefs
% run_synthesis
% run_floorplan
% run_placement
prep deisgn custom openlane flow
openlan flow custom cell 1
openlan flow custom cell 3
openlan flow custom cell 2
custom cell magic placement
custom cell magic placement 1

STA tool is used to analyze the timing performance of the circuit.STA will report problems such as worst negative slack (WNS)and total negative slack (TNS). These refer to the worst path delay and total path delay in regards to setup timing constraint.Fixing slack violations are analyzed using OpenSTA tool. These analysis are performed out of the openLANE flow and once we get the slack in required range, we save the enhanced netlist using write_verilog command and use this in openLANE flow to build clock tree and do further analysis in openROAD.

For the design to be complete, the worst negative slack needs to be above or equal to 0. If the slack is not within the range:

  • Review synthesis strategy in OpenLANE

  • Enable cell buffering

  • Perform manual cell replacement using the OpenSTA tool

All openLANE configuration parameters are mentioned in $OPENLANE_ROOT/configuration/

5.3. CTS

The main concern in generation of clock tree is the clock skew, difference in arrival times of the clock for sequential elements across the design.To ensure timing constraints CTS will add buffers throughout the clock tree which will modify our netlist. This will generate new def file.

To run clock tree synthesis

% run_cts

Synthesizes the clock distribution network (the clock tree)

cts 2
cts 1

Further analysis of CTS in done in openROAD which is integrated in openLANE flow using openSTA tool.

% openroad

In openROAD the timing analysis is done by creating a db file from lef and def files. lef file won’t change as it a technology file, def file changes when a new is added.

% read_lef /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/tmp/merged.lef
% read_def /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/results/cts/picorv32a.cts.def
% write_db picorv32a_cts.db
openroad 1

This creates db file in $OPENLANE_ROOT directory.

% read_db picorv32a_cts.db
% read_verilog /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/results/synthesis/picorv32a.synthesis_cts.v
% read_liberty -max $::env(LIB_SLOWEST)
% read_liberty -min $::env(LIB_FASTEST)
% read_sdc /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/src/my_base.sdc
% set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
% report_checks -path_delay min_max -format full_clock_expanded -digits 4

We have done pre-CTS timing analysis to get setup and hold slack and post-CTS timing analysis to get setup and hold slack. For typical corners (LIB_SYN_COMPLETE env variable which points to typical library) setup and hold slack are met.

hold slack

0.0167 ns

setup slack

4.5880 ns

% echo $::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST)
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8

Try removing sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 from clock tree and do post cts timing analysis

% set ::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) [lreplace $::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST) 0 0]
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8
% echo $::env(CTS_CLK_BUFFER_LIST)
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8
% echo $::env(CURRENT_DEF)
% set ::env(CURRENT_DEF) /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/results/placement/picorv32a.placement.def

Now run openROAD and do a timing analysis as mentioned above.


0.1828 ns


4.7495 ns

Including large size clock buffers in clock path improves slack but area increases.

To check the clock skew

% report_clock_skew -hold
Clock clk
Latency      CRPR       Skew
_35319_/CLK ^
_34316_/CLK ^
   0.80      0.00       0.51

% report_clock_skew -setup
Clock clk
Latency      CRPR       Skew
_35319_/CLK ^
_34316_/CLK ^
   0.80      0.00       0.51

6. Day 5

6.1. Power distribution network

Power planning is a step which typically is done with floorplanning in which power grid network is created to distribute power to each part of the design equally. In openLANE flow it is done before routing.

Three levels of power distribution


Carries VDD and VSS around the chip


Carries VDD and VSS from Rings across the chip


Connect VDD and VSS to the standard cell VDD and VSS.

power planning

To run pdn

% gen_pdn

This generates new def file in $OPENLANE_ROOT\designs\picorv32a\run\03-07_16-12/tmp/floorplan/19-pdn.def

pdn 2
pdn 1

6.2. Routing

Routing is the stage where the interconnnections. This includes interconnections of standard cells, the macro pins, the pins of the block boundary or pads of the chip boundary. Logical connectivity is defined by netlist and design rules are defined in technology file are available to routing tool. In routing stage, metal and vias are used to create the electrical connections.

Global routing

Coarse-grain assignment of routes to routing regions. In global routing wire segments are tentatively assigned within the chip layout.

Detailed routing

Fine-grain assignment of routes to routing tracks.During detailed routing, the wire segments are assigned to specific routing tracks.


Performs global routing to generate a guide file for the detailed router


Another option for performing global routing.


Performs detailed routing


Performs SPEF extraction

To run routing:

% run_routing
routing 1
routing 2
routing 3
routing 4
routing 5

After routing magic tool can be used to get routing view

akshaym@openlane-workshop-03:~/Desktop/work/tools/openlane_working_dir/openlane/designs/picorv32a/runs$ magic -T $PDK_ROOT/sky130A/ lef read 03-07_16-12/tmp/merged.lef def read 03-07_16-12/results/routing/picorv32a.def &
routing 6
routing 7

6.3. SPEF Extraction

After routing has been completed interconnect parasitics can be extracted to perform sign-off post-route STA analysis. The parasitics are extracted into a SPEF file using SPEF-Extractor.

spef file will be generated after run_routing command at location $OPENLANE_ROOT/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/results/routing/picorv32a.spef

spef extraction

6.4. GDSII

GDSII files are usually the final output product of the IC design cycle and are given to silicon foundries for IC fabrication.It is a binary file format representing planar geometric shapes, text labels, and other information about the layout in hierarchical form.

To generate GDSII file

% run_magic

gds file will be generated at location $OPENLANE_ROOT/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-07_16-12/results/magic/picorv32a.gds

7. Acknowledgement


This repository aims to capture the works done in 5-day workshop of Adavance Physical Design using OpenLANE/SkyWater130. The workshop helps to familiarise with the efabless OpenLANE VLSI design flow RTL2GDS and the Skywater 130nm PDK.







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