Alien4Cloud is the Orchestrator UI companion. It provides a catalog of components and application templates and can rely on Yorc to deploy these application templates. Starting with Alien4Cloud 2.2.0 Yorc is the default orchestrator in Alien4Cloud and an A4C plugin dedicated to Yorc is shipped by default within Aline4Cloud.
First you need to install Alien4Cloud. Yorc 4.1.x requires Alien4Cloud 3.2.0.
You can either install manually Alien4Cloud dependencies, curl and java 8, as described
in Alien4Cloud 3.2.0 Getting Started guide,
or use the docker image alien4cloud/alien4cloud:3.2.0
available on Docker Hub.
The open source distribution of Alien4Cloud 3.2.0 can be downloaded at :
There is also a premium edition (see with interesting additional features, like the ability to see applications deployment logs from the underlying orchestrator.
To install and run the Alien4Cloud Open Source edition through a docker container, run this command:
docker run -d --name a4c -p 8088:8088 alien4cloud/alien4cloud:3.2.0
Or if you are using a HTTP proxy that needs to be known by Alien4Cloud, for example
if you need to import archives in Alien4cloud from an external web site,
you can define this proxy in Alien4Cloud using the environment variable JAVA_EXT_OPTIONS
So the docker command to run would be :
docker run -d --name a4c \
-p 8088:8088 \
-e JAVA_EXT_OPTIONS="-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\"||10.20.*\"" \
Logs can be seen running this command:
docker logs -f a4c
Once this log appear:
INFO Bootstrap:57 - Started Bootstrap in 46.171 seconds (JVM running for 47.79)
Alien4Cloud is ready, you can login on Alien4Cloud at http://<your host IP address>:8088
and login using the default admin user/password: admin/admin.
You can now Configure Alien4Cloud to use Yorc.