Source > Extract > Validate > Build > Query > Transform > Export
The validator step checks that data in the spreadsheet is what is expected. This may involve checking that data is of a certain format, and if it isn't, it can either fail or warn.
When you should use this: You have a spreadsheet that has data that needs to be in a certain format before transforming or exporting.
See below an example configuration block:
validate do
candidate column: "new_column", named_range: "section_1", options: { fail_on_error: false } do
with_rule :not_null
with_rule :length, { min: 0, max: 5 }
with_rule :custom, { proc: { |x| x.size >= 0 && x.size <= 5 } } # Proc version of above.
Original input:
| new_column |
| test | <- Is valid
| test value | <- Is invalid (too long)
| | <- Is invalid (null)
As fail_on_error
is set to false, this would warn that 2 values are invalid.