- Provide a way to send emails
- Provide easy to use options by default
$ npm i --save nest-mailer
Create mailer module in you application:
import { Global, Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MailerModule, SendgridMailer } from 'nest-mailer-module';
import { MailerEventEmitter } from './mailer.emitter';
imports: [MailerModule.forRoot({ mailer: new SendgridMailer(/* sendgrid api key*/) })],
providers: [MailerEventEmitter],
exports: [MailerEventEmitter],
export class AppMailerModule {}
Then create our MailerEventEmitter
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventEmitter2 } from '@nestjs/event-emitter';
import { SendEmailEvent, SEND_EMAIL_EVENT } from 'nest-mailer-module';
export class MailerEventEmitter {
constructor(private eventEmitter: EventEmitter2) {}
emit(event: SendEmailEvent) {
this.eventEmitter.emit(SEND_EMAIL_EVENT, new SendEmailEvent({
from: '[email protected]',
After that we should import our newly created module in app.module and we can inject it in any service since it was configured as global module with private mailerEventEmitter: MailerEventEmitter
Now we can send plain emails with:
subject: 'Reset Password',
to: [{ email: '[email protected]', type: 'to' }],
text: `Reset password`,
We can write our custom mailer by implementing interface Mailer
and using it in mailer.module as mailer property for configuration. Here we have an example of mandrill client:
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Mandrill } from 'mandrill-api';
import { Mailer, Message } from 'nest-mailer-module';
export class MandrillMailer implements Mailer {
private logger = new Logger(MandrillMailer.name);
mandrillClient: any;
constructor(mandrillApiKey: string) {
this.mandrillClient = new Mandrill(mandrillApiKey);
result => this.logger.log('ping "mandrill" success'),
e => this.logger.error('ping "mandrill" failed'),
send(message: Message) {
const loggerContext = { subject: message.subject, to: message.to };
this.logger.log(loggerContext, 'Sending email');
return this.mandrillClient.messages.send(
message: {
auto_text: true,
from_email: message.from?.email,
from_name: message.from?.name,
html: message.html,
important: true,
subject: message.subject,
to: message.to,
text: message.text,
async: true,
() => {
this.logger.log(loggerContext, `Mail sent`);
error => {
this.logger.error(error, error.message);
Let's start with creating mailer module in you application like in first example
Now we can create ReactMailerEventEmitter
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventEmitter2 } from '@nestjs/event-emitter';
import { SendTemplatedEmailEvent, SEND_TEMPLATED_EMAIL_EVENT } from 'nest-mailer-module';
export class ReactMailerEventEmitter {
constructor(private eventEmitter: EventEmitter2) {}
emit(event: SendTemplatedEmailEvent) {
new SendTemplatedEmailEvent(event.template, {
from: '[email protected]',
}, event.mergeVars),