Below you'll find a list of homeworks for the course. Programming assignments are to be done in Java (The Gradescope server uses Java Version 11). Your code may not work if you use features that are newer than Java 11.
Week | Dates | Module | Homework 1 Due Wed. at 11:59pm on given week |
Homework 2 Due Friday at 11:59pm on given week |
1 | 1/17 - 1/21 | N/A | Syllabus Quiz (On Collab!) | |
2 | 1/24 - 1/28 | Basic Java 1 | Java Warm-Up / Getting Started (Another Eclipse Install Tutorial) |
3 | 1/31 - 2/4 | Min and Max Functions | Four More Functions | |
4 | 2/7 - 2/11 | Basic Java 2 | Roomba | Roomba Analysis |
5 | 2/14 - 2/18 | Basic Java 3 | Blackjack | Blackjack Analysis |
6 | 2/21 - 2/25 | Vectors | Vector Implementation | |
7 | 2/28 - 3/4 | LLs, Stacks, Queues | Linked List and Queue Implementation | Analysis |
3/7 - 3/11 | Spring Break | |||
8 | 3/14 - 3/18 | Big-Oh | Big-Oh Coding | Big-Oh Analysis |
9 | 3/21 - 3/25 | Trees | BST Implementation | |
10 | 3/28 - 4/1 | AVL Tree Implementation | Tree Analysis | |
11 | 4/4 - 4/8 | Basic Sorts | Basic Sorting Algorithms | |
12 | 4/11 - 4/15 | Advanced Sorts | Advanced Sorting Algorithms | Analyzing Sorting Algorithms |
13 | 4/18 - 1/22 | Hash Tables | HT Implementation | HT Analysis |
14 | 4/25 - 4/29 | Priority Queue | PQ Implementation | PQ Analysis |
15 | 5/2 - 5/6 | Concurrency | Blocking Queue |