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Guillem Córdoba edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the js-uprtcl developer guide!

_Prtcl resources: Overview, Spec, Dev guide, API reference

To start the developer guide, click here!


This repo contains tools to help you integrate _Prtcl inside your app.

There are two ways of integrating _Prtcl in your app and start working with Evees:

  1. Reusing/adapting existing open-source drop-in _Prtcl-compatible modules to your app.
  2. Creating new micro-modules specific to your app logic.

Reusable modules

Modules are groups of funcionality that can be integrated with one another to compose bigger applications. A module usually includes: services to backends, state management, patterns and lenses; all of them work together to fetch, create and interpret some kind of entity or data.

You can reuse or adapt _Prtcl-compatible modules in your app and let your users create, branch and reorganize the content from your app as Evees. This is a list of the web-components from the modules that (will soon be) available:

  • GenericPost: Bundles of text and images, similar to a Tweet or a Facebook post.
  • SimpleEditor: Simple editor to write blog-posts or documents that can scale.
  • KanbanBoard: Kanban board to organize cards in columns.
  • Calendar: Calendar board to crate and display events.
  • Drawer: A drawer to organize and store Evees.

This is how the web components listed above might look like:

js-uprtcl provides you with:

  • Bootstrap basic modules to deal with common types of behaviour and data.
  • All the infrastructure needed to develop new modules:
    • Helper services to connect with different service providers (Holochain, Ethereum, IPFS, websockets, etc.)
    • Multiplatform services to interact with those service providers
    • Reusable lenses and patterns

Developer guide

1 - Installing the tools

2 - Looking around

3 - Cortex modules

4 - Configuring service providers

5 - Configuring modules

6 - Loading modules with micro-orchestrator

7 - Displaying an entity

8 - Adding the Evees module

9 - Adding multiple backends

[TBD]10 - adding lens selection

[TBD] Using Cortex without modules

[TBD] Building a pattern

[TBD] Building a lens

[TBD] Building a service provider

[TBD] Building a Cortex module

[TBD] Customizing the lenses module

[TBD] Building a plugin for the lenses module

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